Part 22 Act 1: Your Last Day of Freedom

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Day 5:

Today was the last day of Cirava's tutoring services to Charun, and Charun's last day of suspension! After the weekend, Charun is officially allowed to return to school. The week was long, hard, and romantically teasing, but they managed to get as caught up as they can with the pile of homework. Then again, if Charun still needed help with homework, Cirava wouldn't mind going to his house again. Not in the slightest.

Cirava was minding his own business walking down the hallway, thinking about a new track he was working on, inspired by Charun once again. He was thinking about doing something slow again, with soft beats and some sort of bell or chime rhythm. In the middle of his contemplating, Cirava heard footsteps behind him.

"Oh Ciravaaaaa!" Hearing her voice sent chills up his spine. He hoped he wouldn't have to talk to her ever, but... why???? Cirava turns around and sees Remele happily skipping over to him. She sure looked about excited about something. "I've been looking all over for you!"

"Oh yeah? For what?" Cirava tries to remain cool, not wanting to crumble in front of a potential love rival.

"Come to the art room with me and I'll gladly show you!" She turns around and walks the way the she came, expecting Cirava to follow her. He sighs, he guess he had nothing to lose.

They make it to the art room together. The lights were turned off, so it was kind of dark. K, weird.

"So what's all this about?" Cirava asks, slightly annoyed. Remele turns around holding a book of some sort. Could it be...?

"Charun forgot his sketchbook! I was hoping you could give it to him, hm?" Remele smiles at him with a cutely tilted head. Even though Cirava sees her as competition, she is really pretty. But Cirava couldn't get his eye off that sketchbook. Is it really his? Cirava goes to take it, but hesitates.

"What makes you think I'd give it to him?" Remele looked taken back by this, and she couldn't look him completely, like she was caught in a lie.

"Mmm... Fozzer told me." she says quickly. "And I already sort of assumed you two were hanging out." For some reason, Cirava found this a little hard to believe. He knew Charun and her are friends, but her and Fozzer...? It was hard to see. It was more believable if Charun told her. Did he?

"Well, I guess you assumed right lol." Cirava smiles at her and she hands him the book. It wasn't worth interrogating her about who said what. What did matter, is Cirava had his sketchbook. He wondered what he drew in there...

"Thank you so much. Do tell Charun I said hi, yeah?"

"Yeah no problem, and thanks. See ya."

"Bye bye!" Cirava starts to walk out of the art room, feeling happy and excited that he's holding something personal of Charuns'. "Oh and Cirava?" He freezes and turns around again. Remele had a very happy face on. "Charun doesn't like to share his drawings, so I'd recommend taking a look in there before you hand it to him. From what I've seen, he's pretty good~!"

"O-oh really?" Fear struck inside Cirava, this was all too familiar. What is with these people and trying to get me to snoop?! Remele nods.

"Who knows? You probably won't get another chance like this again, so I'd take it while you can!" As much as Cirava really wanted to look inside, the good gentleman inside him refrained him from doing such an indecent act.

"Haha, r-right. Maybe I will."


The walk from school to Charun was torture. Knowing that a sketchbook full of secrets was inside his bag was like waiting for the climax in a book you had to put down. He really wanted to see what Charun drew, to get to know a little bit extra of him. But despite Remele's persuasion, Cirava decided not to snoop.

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