Part 4: Every Step You Take, I'll be Watching You

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Stupid gym. All because of his stupid eye he has to sit out and watch everyone like a dork. The teacher made him sit out a lot, but today Cirava didn't mind. Charun was in the same class, so at least here he could relax for a little while.

Cirava was sitting at the top of the bleachers, listening to his waves and reading a book. Class was almost over, so the teacher told them to do their usual five laps around the gym. Cirava happened to look up from his book to glance at the time, but accidentally saw something else. Oh God. Just like in those cheesy romantic comedy movies, he saw Charun running amongst the crowd of students. His hair was pulled up in a bun to keep it from bouncing and getting in his cute face. The blue shorts and white tee he was wearing looked really good on him, too. There was something about that person that made Cirava's head go blank. The ringing of the five minute bell snapped him out of his staring. He felt so hot and fuzzy inside...


Study hall, the best period. Where you can do homework, read, draw, or pretend to look productive. Cirava was jacking on his phone for music to listen to and songs to remix into vaporwave. When he looked up to see if the teacher was looking at him, there he was again. He was writing something with a textbook next to him, must be a worksheet. That kid looked like a scholar, lost in his own maze of a mind. Cirava wondered if he was smart or good at math. He wondered what his grades were like, he was curious about his favorite subjects and interests.
"Phone up, Cirava." The abrupt sound of the teacher's voice snapped him out of it. Some of the kids were laughing or staring at, but he noticed that Charun didn't do either.


It was the end of the school day, where the buses and parents pick up the kids, and some of the kids get to drive themselves. Cirava occassionally rode the bus home like most people at school, he couldn't depend on his foster parents to pick him since they're always out. Most of the time, he just walks. He was leaned up on a light pole as he waited for his bus to arrive, along with MS waiting for his ride, too. Since he's been seeing a lot of the new kid lately, he sort of tried... looking around for him. There are a few small areas at the front of the school where some flowers and bushes are planted, to make the building look nice. He didn't expect Charun to be there. He felt a lot calmer looking at him this time for some reason. Maybe because they were outside?
"Cirava, my ride is here." MS told him. "I'll text you later, k? See ya!" Cirava watched MS run to his family's van with the normal, happy smile on his face.

"Later!" he shouted and waved. When he turned back to see Charun again, he wasn't there. Cirava sighed. Oh well.

Charun x Cirava Ship! (Friendsim)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن