Part 31: Names to Call You

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MS sat at one of the nice, pretty decorated tables with his friends, talking with them and looking at all the nice pictures he took tonight on his phone. Remele and Lanque dancing together, Fozzer hugging Marsti and grossing her out, Zebruh hitting on girls with no luck, Marvus attracting attention with all the luck (all of it), Chahut and Amisia sharing their arts and crafts ideas, Tyzias and Stelsa dancing together, and so much more! He was glad he captured so many memories when he did. He couldn't wait to share these with everyone.

"Comrade MS, your attention please?" MS looks up from his phone and sees Fozzer. He looked like he was having fun!

"Hi Fozzer! What's up?"

"I came to ask if you've seen the whereabouts of comrade Charun? Remele and I can't seem to find him."

"Sorry, I haven't seen him. I'm sure he's with Cirava sonewhere, though." MS didn't like lying to his friends, but if it was to help someone, he would do his best to be on both sides of the situation. Then again, it wasn't a big lie, right? "He'll pop up eventually. You know how he is, haha!" Fozzer thought inquisitivly, and seems to get some enlightenment.

"Ahh I see! That makes plenty of sense, now. Do you think those two are getting along alright?" MS recalls seeing Charun and Cirava going out of the gym together, but he had no idea where they were going. They were holding hands, so that had to be a good sign, right?

"Of course! They always get along! I think tonight will be really good for them!" As long as no one knows where they are...

"I believe so as well! However, I cannot help but wonder what those two are up to at this current time..."

"Yeah, me too..."


It was like the world around them didn't exist anymore, all that happened in this moment was Charun embracing Cirava with a simple, but much needed kiss. He's kissing me... Cirava repeated in his numb, burning head. He... he's... not very good at this.

This had to be Charun's first kiss, because Cirava could tell his technique was kind of bad. It wasn't even a kiss, really. It was more like him just putting his lips on someone else's mouth. Even though it was awkward and not very romantic, Cirava thought it was really cute. I guess... he just needs a little help... Letting his heart completely take over, Cirava tries to relax into the kiss. He closes his eye, and slightly pushes himself into Charun, kissing him back properly.

"Mm..." He hears Charun make a nervous moan, and his grip gets slightly tighter. Are you surprised...? Seeming to get the hint, Charun takes his mouth away, then kisses Cirava again. This time, doing it right. Yeah... me too... They continue to kiss each other, both of them starting to get more comfortable with each passing second. But Cirava wanted to be closer.

Slowly, he nervously puts his hands on Charun's chest. He could feel his heart was beating so hard and fast, it made him so excited. His hands gently travel up to his shoulders, gripping them. Holding him like this, he felt like a giant teddy bear. With his arms reaching upward, Charun didn't know where to put his hands. Haah... you're so awkward... Helping him out again, Cirava takes a hand off his shoulder, takes his hand, and guides it to his waist. Charun firmed his grip on Cirava, and used his other hand to do the same. Oh my God... we're making out, its... its so good...

"Hm..." Cirava couldn't stop his lips from curling into a smile. He was so happy. He was so excited he unintentionally stood on his toes and leaned up more on Charun.

Charun x Cirava Ship! (Friendsim)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat