Part 24: Nothing Serious

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While the night at the junkyard was romantic enough, the ride back home was just as heart melting. Cirava hung onto Charun close but this time, he didn't want to let go.

After Charun had dropped him off, Cirava was surprised to see that James wasn't home. Mary told him that he was going to spend some time at his sister's. What a relief. She was happy to have Cirava back.

When Sunday came, all Cirava did was stay on his computer making vaporwave and got high. It was well deserved. Charun sent a number of texts asking if everything was ok, how sweet. Cirava told him everything was fine, that he just needed to relax. Charun felt better knowing that he was safe.

When Charun returned to school on Monday, it was like things turned back to normal. Cirava, him, and Daraya ate lunch together again, they shared the vaping pen, and helping each other out with homework like they used to. It felt good to have Charun back. His friends missed him, too. They even started to talk to Cirava a little bit more!

For the first few days, everything was great. Cirava had nothing to complain about. James was still out of the house, he's with his friends again, made a few new ones, and he became very close to Charun. Closer than he could ever imagine. His following on social media became more recognized, too!

But one day, as he walking down an empty hall to go to the back of the school to take a smoke, something felt different. He got to leave class early again, maybe that's why. When he passed an entry way that leads out to another hall, Cirava saw something in the corner of his eye. It freaked him out, but when be looked down, it made him even more nervous.

It was a girl, sitting on the floor with her head in her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs. She was crying. Cirava cringes, feeling bad for interrupting her sob session. He really didn't want to be here, now. He tries to take a careful step back as to not alert her. But it looked like he wasn't quiet enough. She quickly lifts her head and looks up at Cirava, making him freeze, but instinctively smile. Looks like he has to charm his way out of this one.

"Heeey." he smiles and waves casually. "What's up?" The girl looked upset at Cirava, and dries her eyes with her sleeves.

"N-nothing..!" she sniffles. "I'm fine..." Cirava knew this girl somewhat well, but he only saw her as another artist, like him. She wasn't just a composer, she was Chixie Roixmr. He's heard her sing before, and was actually stunned by her power. So loud, so good, so aesthetic. He didn't know if she played any instruments or was in a band, but he did know she was in the choir club. And she was a damn good singer, too.

"Are those... happy tears?" Cirava grins awkwardly. She looked upset again.

"No, they aren't happy tears!" she snapped. The water kept flowing from her eyes, like she couldn't help. Cirava wanted to leave, but would feel really bad if he did. He sighs and walks in front of her, then kneels down to her level.

"Something pretty extreme must've happened to make ya cry this hard." Chixie looks at him then turns her head, not in the mood.

"You wouldn't get it..." she says in a low voice, sounding like she's calming down some.

"Try me." he smiles. Chixie blinks, then takes a deep breath.

"Someone.. stole my lyrics..." As soon as she said this her eyes start to water again. "They... stole all my hard work, and now they're gonna use it for themselves...!" She begins to cry again, absolutely breaking Cirava's heart. He really did feel for her, he really did. It's even happened to him a few times, where some tried to claim some of Cirava's songs as their own. It didn't work, of course. Cirava was too smart to let things like that happen to him. But he knew the fear, he knew the feeling. He completely understands.

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