Part 22 Act 2: Worried

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Charun was on his phone, texting his friends on Chittr. He had a lot to say to them. Well, maybe not a lot, but he has some words to express.

CK: cirava told me you tried to get him to look through my stuff today..
CK: not cool....

RN: Oh come on it wasn't that bad!
RN: I bet be didn't even looke.

FV: I'm_afraid_I'll_have_to_agree.
FV: It_seems_that_Cirava_was_hesitant_on_my_offer,_as_well.

CK: not you too...

RN: Relax!
RN: We were just trying to help.
RN: Can you imagine his shock if he did look at your drawings??
RN: So worth it, I'd say lol.

Charun can imagine it. If Cirava actually saw what he wrote down in his folder, or saw what he drew in his sketchbook, he would die of embarrassment.

CK: it's not worth it....
CK: it would be so...
CK: more than embarrassing.....

RN: More embarrassing than when I caught you doing it...?

FV: Or_I?

CK: lol yes...
CK: I wouldn't be able to explain myself....
CK: it was already hard enough to be around him this week....
CK: I dont need you guys giving him hints...
CK: I appreciate your kindness, but plz stop humiliating me......

RN: Hmmm
RN: Sounds like you don't like him as much as you were leading on.

CK: no...
CK: thats not it.....

Charun reflects back on this week's events. He greatly enjoyed seeing Cirava everyday, he really did. But the awkward things that happened, being so close to each other, the accidental flirts, the things they told each other.... It was all too much. Charun feared that the closer they got, the more his secret would be exposed. He knew Cirava didn't feel the same, because he's never shown any attraction or made obvious remarks. If he was found out, he feared his friendship with Cirava would be over. He didn't want that to happen.

CK: theres no point in telling him anyway...
CK: I doubt he feels the same...

RN: You can't see it, but I'm rolling my eyes rn.

FV: The_signs_of_a_mutual_attraction_were_there,_comrade_Charun._Hidden,_but_that_slight_glimpse_of_worry_in_Cirava's_face_was_all_I_needed_to_see.

Charun sighs, wishing that his friend's supporting words were true.

CK: thanks guys...
CK: but I just dont see it....

RN: Omg! See! That's hilarious!

Up the top right corner of his phone, Charun saw he recieved a new message. He was excited to see that it was Cirava. It was 12 at night, so he thought Cirava would be asleep. Then again, he did seem like a night owl. Charun digs that. He taps his notification and sees what Cirava texted him.

CH: hey, so, weird question
CH: but I need some reassurance
CH: if we didn't meet, if we weren't friends, but you heard about me from my ex friends, would you...
CH: think that...
CH: idk...
CH: I was a slut...?

Charun felt his body jolt and quickly sits up in bed. He rereads the message over and over, trying to think of what to say. He couldn't do this alone. He copies the text and sends it to the group chat with his friends.

CK: what do I say...??
CK: it just came out of no where....
CK: I dont wanna sound dumb.......

RN: Hmmm....

FV: I_say!_Never_thought_those_foul,_odd_words_would_arise_from_Cirava's_mouth.
FV: Do_not_panic,_comrade!_We_will_come_up_with_a_response_as_a_team!

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