Part 11: A Little Jealous

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After they hung out, the next few days were like any other, but better! Charun and Cirava were more comfortable around each other now, their friendship now exceeding to physical contact and crude jokes. MS also started hanging out with Charun, too. But that was sort of expected, he got along with everybody. After that, Cirava wondered if he was friends with anybody else.

One day, Cirava was walking down the hallway by himself. When he passed the art room, he thought he saw a glimpse of Charun in there. He walked back and he was right, but he wasn't alone. He saw his weird sculptor crush talking to a girl that was in the art club. Her name is Remele, and she's an avid painter. He's talked to her a few times, she's a nice girl but not someone he wants to spend time with. The door was partially open, so they couldn't see him. Charun looked like he was enjoying their talk, so did Remele. He couldn't hear what they were talking about, but whatever it was, it made Charun laugh.

For some reason, Cirava didn't like that. Not what made him laugh, but who made him laugh. Remele is an attractive person, something that Cirava could never compete with. If he was a girl, he'd be all over Charun. He didn't want him to date anyone. The thought of him being with someone else depressed him greatly. If only he could just tell him how he felt.


Against all his protesting, Cirava convinced Charun to have him over again. They were messing about in Charun's room, listening to waves and talking. He kept looking at Charun who was trying to make something out of paper. It looked like origami, but calling it that would be a disgrace.

"Havin' fun over there, Char?" Charun looks up from his mess and laughs.

"Haha.. lots..." They both chuckle, enjoying each others company. Cirava wanted to bring up Remele, but if he did, Charun would find out that he was watching him. Maybe without saying her name directly, he could ask in a different way.

"So, Char," Charun looks up again. "You've lived here long enough to get accustomed. Your name's probably well known by now, yeah?" Charun blinks, completely oblivious.

"I guess.."

"Well has anyone peaked your interest yet...?" Charun puts a finger to his lip, like he's trying to concentrate.

"A few people... But besides you and MS, not really..." He didn't get it.

"Ah, that's cool." Cirava smiles. "Has anyone, like, caught your eye? You know?"

"Hm... I saw someone wearing polka dot sweatpants one time.." He's still not getting it. This innocence made Cirava laugh. Was it innocence, or ignorance?

"Hah, Char I meant if you like anyone yet!" Charun's eyes light up and his face turns a bright red, embarrassed to the limit.

"W-what..??" He drops his project. His reaction was too cute, Cirava felt like he was getting special treatment. "I-I don't know..! N-not really..!" Charun starts to fidget with his hands and he couldn't look at Cirava. So. Cute.

"A reaction like that tells me otherwise..." Charun let his hair fall in front of his face.

"I mean... there are a lot of cute girls..." There it was. The truth. It hurt hearing him say that. "But I don't think I like anyone like that, yet..." This was a little better, but it still reinforced the fact that Charun likes girls. He tucks his hair behind his ear, not looking at Cirava. "What about you...?"

"Me?" He thought it was a joke at first. Cirava knew no one would be interested in a one eyed tiny boring freak like him, but that didn't mean he couldn't like someone else. "Heh, I fall in love with someone every day, bro." Charun blinks, looking almost impressed.

"Really..? I-I didn't know it was that easy..." Wow, this boi is clueless. Is he for real?

"Ah, n-no Char, I was kinda joking.."


"But uh, to answer your question, I guess I sorta have eyes for a certain someone..." Cirava starts to blush a little, he wasn't lying.

"Really? That's nice..." Charun smiles humbly. "It makes me happy, that you have someone you care about..." Gah... So cute...

"Heh, thanks."

"So what's her name..?" Cirava felt his heart stop. He hadn't thought this far ahead! What should I say?? Should I lie?? No! Play it cool, bro! Play it! Cool!!! Cirava takes a breath before speaking.

"Her name... is a secret." Perfect! I'm so fuckin smooth, no one will question that as a response! Cirava winks, trying to be cool. It seemed to impress Charun. Success!

"Hah... trying to keep it a secret, huh..? I'll find out sooner or later..." Charun wasn't a scary guy, but Cirava felt fear and shock run through his body. S-scary...

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