Part 6: You're Cool

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"I bumped into him, helped pick up my shit, walked him to his class, and he gave me his number just like that!" Cirava was talking to MS about his adventure with Charun while they were walking from school to MS's house. He was still excited about what happened like it just happened! MS hadn't seen Cirava this happy in a long time.

"That's so cool, dude! I'm really happy for you! Are you gonna text him tonight?"

"I wanna, but what should I say? It was sorta out of the blue, and we still don't even know each other very well.. Fuck what do I say??"

"You'll figure something out." They reached the front door of MS's house. "You seem really worked up about this. Then again, it is exciting to make a new friend." They walk into the house, smelling something good from the kitchen. MS's mom usually cooks something for them after they get home from school.

"Yeah, I don't wanna fuck it up, though. This guy's so cool."

"Aw you're just as cool, dude. You two will really, really get along!" These words made Cirava feel better. MS knew exactly what to say to everybody. "You wanna eat and play a game??"

"Fuck yeah, bro!"


His foster parents were out, which was a perfect opportunity for Cirava. After hanging with MS for a while, playing games, listening to music, he went home. He stood in his room, contemplating whether to text him or not. He kept looking at his phone, viewing his new contact. "Ahh... Fuck it." Quickly, he sent a text. He held his breath for a reply.

CH: eyyy man. uh hope i got the rit #
CH: its cirava, btw :P

God he sounded like a dork. He was never good at first impressions.

CK: thanks you just gave me enough time to find your address and hack your photos.

Oh no! A hacker! Cirava's worst fear! All of those original tracks and embarrassing pictures, stolen!

CK: haha just kidding..
CK: thanks for texting back...

Cirava felt his body relax knowing it was just a joke. He had to laugh.

CH: lmao u scared the shit outa me!

CK: haha sorry..
CK: wanted to see how you would react...
CK: so whats up...?

What exactly is up? Cirava looked around his room. It was quiet. Uneventful. Boring.

CH: nothin much
CH: just hangin
CH: wbu?

CK: same thing haha..
CK: quiet night..
CK: I might go out tonight for a bit

CH: doin wut?
CH: partyin?? Lmao jk

CK: haha no..
CK: look for sculpture pieces...

CH: hold up
CH: ur an artist?

CK: I guess haha...

CH: dang
CH: never would've guessed lmao

CK: most ppl dont...
CK: maybe I can show you some of my stuff sometime...

Cirava grew more excited. The meaning of this sentence is the equivalent to hanging out, right? In person?

CH: yeah man im down with that lmao
CH: what else u like to do?

CK: I like to garden a little..

CH: aw

CK: I like to fish sometimes...

CH: awww

CK: And read I guess haha..
CK: That's kind of it..

CH: awwwwww!!!
CH: ur so cool!

CK: Lol thanks..
CK: You're cool too..

Cirava laughs to himself and smiles, covering his face a little. "He thinks I'm cool.." This conversation was going so much better than expected, and he couldn't be happier.

CH: lmao thnx bro

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