Part 19: The Greenhouse

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Day 2:

Cirava made sure to tell Mary about tutoring his friend, and she was totally fine with it, like most things. She could tell something was different when Cirava came home a little later, and she also noticed he was beaming. Whatever he was doing, it seemed to be making him very happy. If that was the outcome, then Mary was all for it.

After school, MS asked Cirava if he wanted to hang out today.

"Sorry man, I'm helping Charun with his homework all week. He'll be hella behind if I leave him high and dry." MS's eyes go wide when he hears this. It was very unlike Cirava to go out of his comfort zone to help someone. So he was instantly curious.

"Reallyyy? That's so unlike you! What made you wanna do that? Are you two best buddies now??" Cirava rolls his eye and laughs, knowing that MS would overreact about this.

"Lol I guess!" Cirava tries not to sound too prideful. "He's doing a lot better since his fight, he heals kinda quick."

"Ah, that's so good to hear. I couldn't believe that happened... It must've been pretty bad if it made Charun that angry..." Even though this was over and done with, Cirava couldn't help but be a little curious.

"Yeah, me neither, bro. How pissed do you think he looked lmao?"

"Oh he was livid! I've never seen anyone switch like that. Not even Konyyl!"

"Wait you were there?" MS nods, peaking Cirava's interest even more. "Can I, like, ask what happened?"

"Sure! I was sitting with him and a few other people at a table, and we heard some people talking behind us, but I didn't pay attention to what they said. I guess Charun did, cuz he suddenly stood up, went over to one of them, and punched a guy super hard in the face!" Cirava tries to picture the intense scene in his head. He felt bad for MS because he had to see all of that unfold. "The guy fell to the ground, Charun grabbed his shirt, and he just started wailing on him over and over! I tried to go over to him and pull him off, but I was so scared he was gonna hit me!"

MS was never good in high stress situations, so Cirava understood completely. "Then the guy's friends butted in and pushed Charun off, then started beating on him too! It was a three against one fight, those aren't fair. So Charun took a lot of beating from them, he got hurt way more than the other guy did! That's when I called for Polypa and Tegiri to help me. I haven't talked to him since... but I'll shoot a text to him later tonight!" Charun is a weird guy, so his actions and thoughts are going to be seen as strange by other people. Cirava really liked that about him, but to be this abrupt...? Cirava was stunned.

"Huh... That's... a lot to take in..."

"Sorryyy! I hope that doesn't change your image of him...!" Cirava thinks back to Charun's reason for fighting. Now the feeling is even more amplified than it was before.

"Haha no no way, it's in the past anyway, lets try to move on from what he did. It'll get better from here, right?" MS smiles, so proud that Cirava is looking on the bright side!

"Yeah, of course!"


When Cirava entered the Charun's house, it was surprisingly quiet. Cirava texted him a few minutes ago but he didn't get a response, so he just let himself in. Since no one was here, Cirava had the urge to snoop around... He skips over to a hallway he's never been down at, it was littered with crayons, paper, and an assortment of trinkets and toys. Looking on the walls, there were drawings hung up, as well as drawings literally on the wallpaper, and... pictures.

Cirava examines the many framed photos that scattered the hallways. There were pictures of Wanshi, Karako, Barzum and Baizli, and even Charun. There's one where Charun had shorter hair! Wow... he's so handsome... There were also pictures of a few kids that Cirava has never seen before. All of them were happy and smiling. Cirava was curious about what Charun looked like as a little kid.

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