Part 20: Is That All It Is?

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Day 3:

Even though it happened yesterday, Cirava couldn't stop thinking about the sweet, slick, adorable move Charun pulled. Leaning on him like that, being so sweet and innocent, it made him very happy. When he got home, he fantasized about how the scene would unfold if the rain hadn't stopped literally thirty seconds after. It made him so happy that it was noticeable in his stream! His fans were commenting on his dazed and dreamy look, saying that he's in love. That made him a little bit more popular, in retrospect. Today, MS mentioned that he looked lost in thought, too. Cirava insisted he was fine. He was just... thinking.

He didn't think the rain would continue into the next day, which sucked for him. He didn't bring an umbrella... Cirava wasn't really one to give up because of somthing simple like rain. So he used his bag to try to shield him from the rain and ran to Charun's house. Thank God he didn't live too far, or else he's be drenched. But it wasn't too bad; sure he was pretty wet and mildly uncomfortable, but he could live with it. When Cirava finally reached the front door, he texted Charun to let him know he was outside, but the door opened before Cirava could even send it out.

"C-Cirava..!" It was Charun, looking surprised and extremely worried. "Y-You're soaking wet..! Are you okay..??"

"O-Oh yeah, I'm fine, I didn't have an-" Cirava tries to talk while Charun pulls him in and closes the door behind him.

"I had a feeling you'd get wet.. H-here..!" Charun flops a towel over Cirava's head and nervously fidgets with drying his hair. "Am, am I hurting you...? Are you cold..?" he anxiously asks, too scared to touch Cirava's fragile body.

"N-noo.." Cirava was surprised by this constant attention from Charun. He was so stunned he wasn't sure what to say. But he wasn't complaining! Charun pulls down the towel that falls on Cirava's shoulders, revealing his face, making their eyes meet.

"S-sorry..." Charun blushes and removes his hands from Cirava's space. "I got worried... that can't feel good..." Cirava pats himself down, but the texture of damp clothes is never a good feeling.

"Its not the greatest feeling in the world lol, but I'm fine, really."

"I hope you don't get sick..."

"Haha I won't." Cirava sees that Charun is visibly nervous. Fiddling with his hands and staring at him with a worried look, what was he thinking about? Charun adverts his head toward the kitchen, hearing people talk.

"If Bronya sees you like this, she'll get worried...." Why is he so concerned about Bronya? Charun looks back at Cirava. "Let's go up stairs, and I'll get you some dry clothes to wear...." Cirava looks up at him, thinking that it was probably best to go along with this. He did want dry clothes...

"Sure bro." he smiles plainly. Holding the fluffy towel close, Cirava follows Charun up the steps to his room. He seemed like he wanted to hurry, like he didn't want anyone to see what was happening. But why? Was he nervous about something? They enter his room, Charun shutting and locking the door again. The sound of the door locking made Cirava feel trapped, but trapped in a place where he wanted to be, with the person he wanted to be with. "Smells good in here." Cirava sniffs the air.

"What is with you and smells recently...?" Charun laughs as he goes to his drawer, digging for fresh clothes.

"Hey, I got a busy nose, my guy. Lmao!" They both laugh, Cirava still drying his arms and legs off. He hoped his boxers weren't too wet, he really didn't wanna take them off in front of Charun... Wait, did this mean... he has to change in front of him???

"H-here..." Charun goes over to him and hands him nicely folded, clean, dry clothes. Cirava gently takes them, slightly touching Charun's arm. "I hope these are okay... I-I can pick something different if you want.."

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