Chapter Fifteen: Ariadne

Start from the beginning

I walked into the stables and found the stable boy brushing the horses.

"Hello," I said trying not to scare him. "Austin, is it?"

He looked at me in surprise when I said his name. "Yes," he replied slowly then looked at Misty, the horse he was brushing. "I'll be done with her in a second."

I nodded and then remembered the last time I saw him was with Bell, I smiled and decided I should question him - for Bell's sake of course.

"You can take your time, I'm in no hurry."

"I was almost done anyway," he protested. "They're all beautiful horses."

"Yes," I agreed wholeheartedly. I especially loved my mare; she was chestnut brown with white patches of fur. She is a very rare horse; all our horses are.

After a moment of silence, I decided it was a good time to question him. "So, what are your intentions towards my sister?"

Austin's brush froze mid-stride. "I don't know who you're referring to, your highness."

"Really? Well that's very strange indeed because I saw the way you two looked at each other the other night and I could have sworn at least Bell had feelings for you," I said pausing before continuing. "I thought it was the same for you as well, but I guess not."

Austin was silent, as the brush was still suspended in the air.

"I am wrong... aren't I?"

At this remark, Austin resumed brushing Misty, but he didn't answer until he was done brushing and began saddling her.

"Sometimes it's hard to tell what someone thinks and feels, especially when you don't know them."

I raised my eyebrows at his response but decided to try and get him to tell me straight out. "That didn't answer my question."

"I don't want to defy you, and I fear that whatever answer I give will do so, Your Highness."

I tried not to look surprised by his answer, but truth be told, I did not expect a stable boy to answer with the cleverness that he did. "I promise I won't be angry by your answer, and no one else will hear of this encounter by my mouth. It's just an opinion I ask of you."

"If that's what you want," he said, but it sounded more like a question and I nodded. "Your sister, Princess Bellona, is a very beautiful woman whom I enjoy spending time with. She has many desirable qualities, and I see no fault in her," he said and look at me for approval, I smiled.

"I see," I said satisfied.

"Your horse is ready, Princess," he said and handed me the reins.

"Thank you," I said then added as I mounted my horse, "You're a good man. Keep working hard and treat Bell with respect, and I may throw in a good word or two with the King."

"Yes. Thank you, Your Highness," he said with a bow.

"Not for a year or two though."

"Of course, princess," he said, smiling.

"This won't be the last time we speak of this," I said then nudged Misty forward and we galloped into the arena.

We went around the arena multiple times, at different paces and I caught myself smiling when I thought about Austin and Bell and how good they were together. I tried to keep my thoughts on them but all too often my thoughts would drift to Peter and then the Prince; bringing along with it a landslide of emotions, and I would have to stop Misty for a second to catch my breath.

"Riding used to calm me too," a kind, deep voice said from behind me.

I turned Misty around to see my father on his pure white stallion, Running Wind.

"Sorry if I frightened you," he said with a chuckle.

I smiled back. "Even if you did frighten me, which you didn't, I'd be fine."

"You remind me so much of your mother, especially your smile," he said and started his horse around the arena. I nudged Misty to follow alongside.

"Bell, Harmonia, and Leto have her eyes," I said, remembering my mother's sparkling blue eyes.

"Yes," my father agreed. "All you beautiful girls remind me of the good memories I had with her," he sighed.

"I miss her too," I said just loud enough for my father to hear.

"We all do... But sometimes it feels as though she never left," he looked back at me and smiled.

I smiled as I remembered my mother. I pulled Misty next to Running Wind and gave my father the best hug I could while still on my horse.

We pulled away and looked into each other's faces, then he wiped a tear off my cheek that I didn't even realize had slipped out. "Why did she have to go?"

"I guess some great being needed her more than we do."

Then it hit me. "Khione and Leto, and probably Juno too, won't remember her! It's not fair."

"Maybe not," he said pulling me back into a hug. "But we can't change the past," he said regrettably.

I sighed, wishing with all my heart I could reverse time and mom didn't have to die. But even if it was possible, then maybe Khione and Leto wouldn't have been born, because she died giving birth to her second set of twins, daughters 11 and 12, and it was too much for her. But I knew that she would have rather died than not bring Khione and Leto into the world.

Then another thought crossed my mind and I pulled out of the hug. "Why are you here, father? You said you come here to think as well."

"I also come here every morning to give Running Wind some exercise," he said patting his old, but noble stallion. "Unfortunately, I'm also here to think."

"Unfortunately?" I asked. What does that mean?

"I'm afraid the 11th realm got into a little argument with the 2nd realm, and since the 2nd realm helped us in our last war-"

"So they need soldiers?"

"Yes, and they requested my presence as well since their king also personally fought for us."

"No! You can't leave us!" I cried.

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