Tape 5

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My head rested against the tree behind me, Tim's grip loosened as he slowly fell asleep in place.

I went to quickly get up but as soon as I turned away, I became face to face with Hoodie. I gasped and fell back a little.

"Shh, it's okay. It's just me." He whispered.

I slowly nodded, I saw his hands slowly touch my thighs. He leaned in, I moved back and smacked his hands away.

"Don't touch me." I spat.

He hummed as a response but he didn't move back, he stayed close to me.
My heart raced, I didn't want him near me, I didn't want anyone near me.

"Get away." I said, Hoodie chuckled and said.

"Well, it's either Masky or me and Masky isn't in the best mood right now." Hoodie snickered.

I hate to say it but I might have to stay with Hoodie for tonight, I sighed and shook my head.

"Fine." I growled.

So I moved, I got up completely and found a spot near Hoodie but not too close.
I crossed my legs and opened my hands out in front of me, the fire's heat gave me chills but it was soothing.

I closed my eyes and sighed softly.

"I know you don't want to be here, but, you can't go back,ever." Hoodie muttered, sitting down next to me.

I scooted a bit away from him, he had gotten too close.

"Wow thanks." I said sarcastically.

"No, what I mean is, it's just that while you're with us you should just at least loosen up a bit."

I scoffed and turned to him.

"You really expect me to enjoy being around cold blooded killers?" I shook my head and once again moved away from him a little more.

What I didn't notice was Hoodie inching his way towards me when I wasn't looking.

"Just please lis-" I interrupted him.

"No, stop talking." I spat, clearly more upset than I already was and wasn't about to deal with this mans bullshit.

"If you would just listen to me-" he tried to start again, but I wasn't having it.

"No." I growled.

"I recommend being nice to us before we torture you until you tell us where it is." He growled.

"Got it?" He asked.

I slowly nodded my head in agreement, I wanted to scream so badly right then.But,I knew I would only anger him more.

That's when I felt something inside of me snap, it felt like a water balloon popping,anger spilled and filled my whole body.
I shoved Hoodie away from me/he fell backwards harshly but caught himself.

"See,nothing but trouble." I heard Tim say, I turned to him and growled.

"Shut it."

"What did you just say to me girl!" Tim spat, Hoodie quickly shushed him.

"Masky quiet, we don't know what's out here." He said in a whisper, Masky scoffed and crossed his arms.

"I'm going to sleep-both of you dont touch me, don't go near me, and don't even look at me while I'm sleeping." I said-getting up and going to the tree furthest away from them.
Unfortunately the clearing we picked didn't have much space, so we were clumped together.

Feeling the warm air leave my body, I sighed.

"Uh no, girl you either sit next to me or next to Hoodie. I don't trust you by yourself after you tried running away the first time." Tim spat at me, making hand gestures in the process.

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