|Chapter 1 - Meeting Eddie Brock..|

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I put my keys into the keyhole of my apartment door, and I open it. I walk in, and I close the door behind me and lock it. I set my purse down onto the kitchen table, along with my two bags of groceries. I open the fridge, and then suddenly my phone rings. I look at it, and the contact says, 'Mother'. I press answer, and I put the phone up to my ear, and hold it to my ear with my shoulder.

"Hey, mom! What's up?" I ask, and she sighs.

"Oh, (Y/n)...thank god you're alright," she says in relief. I raise an eyebrow.

• Hold Up! •
So, reader if you do not know what my life is like, I am here to tell that to you. So, I'm (Y/n)
(L/n), and I live in an apartment in New York. I am a goodie two shoes, and I have never really done anything bad before. Well, I have...when I was a child. But I'm 21 now. So, ya don't have to worry about that.

And, I have only gotten in trouble with the police once, when I was 13. Anyway enough about that. So, New York. Most people in New York are paranoid to go outside at night, because of some guy on the news or something. He's like a very tall, alien, black, creature. With these long, pure white eyes. And I guess he also has a tongue that's 3 feet long. And he eats people, I guess.

But, every time I come home my mother always calls me to see if I'm okay. Or she just calls me randomly to see if I'm okay. Anyway, back to the story of my life. Or, your life, I meant.
• Back To Story •

I then realize what she's trying to say, "mom, I am fine. I'm 21 now and I can defend myself" I answer, and I hear an exhausted groan from the other side.

"(Y/n), 21 is still young! And I don't want that, black, demonic, alien, thing, to come after my daughter and eat her head off" she says, and my eyes widen.

"How do you know it eats heads off of people?" I ask.

She laughs, "(Y/n), the thing is all over the internet, and the news. It has videos of the thing eating people, and biting their heads off" she says sarcastically. Wow, maybe I won't be able to defend myself if I see it?

I grab the milk from my grocery bag, and I open the fridge, still holding my phone to my face with my shoulder.
"Anyway, how was shopping?" She asks, and I groan.

"Great, but it would have been better if Logan wasn't there" I answer back, and she gasps, almost dramatically. I grab the orange juice, and some blueberries, and put them into the fridge.

"Did he try doing anything to you?" She asks, and I scoff while shutting the fridge.

"Yeah, he said that he was very sorry for treating me like shit. And he wanted to get back together with me. But, I said no, and it was a good thing too, because right after I said no, the sluttiest of girls come running after him. I guess she was his girlfriend" I explain, and she growls.

"He's such a man whore," she says, and I laugh.

"Tell me about it"

• Reasons •
Now reader, Logan Larsen, is your old boyfriend. You broke up with him because...
1. He treated you like shit
2. He would always bring a whore home
3. He sells drugs and steals
4.He would beat you
5.He would do very bad things to you that gave you PTSD
• Back To Story •

I grab the bread, and I put it into my pantry.

"So, anything else, more fun or exciting than that?" She asks, and I shake my head.

"No, not really, well....unless you want to know the name of Logan's new girlfriend," I say disgusted. I then put one of the grocery bags in the garbage and go to the next one.

"Sure, I'm bored...describe her to me? So, I can kick her slut ass butt back to church, so she can become a good Christian child" my mom says, and I burst out laughing.

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