Papa Hates Momma👨‍👦🤬👩‍👦

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Klaus stood on Zyanya's balcony watching her strumming on a Gibson semi-hollow body ES-355 he tried to walk inside but found that he wasn't invited and that hurt above all else "go away Elijah!"  he hears her say and her front door opens to reveal his brother "I'm done dealing with Mikaelson betrayal and heartbreak and I'm not going to listen to whatever you have to say!"  she adds "I'm only here because I made a promise!.... and even though my children have graduated they have yet to throw a party!.... not to mention they follow me wherever I go!"  she continues Elijah chuckles "go back to your pup I don't want to see either of you!"   she says Elijah looks at her with a surprised expression on his face then sees his sad heartbroken looking brother staring at her from the balcony Elijah does as he's told and Klaus also leaves.... reluctantly.... that night Zyanya walks into Rousseau's bar and finds Papa Tunde gripping Klaus' neck as Klaus' back is pressed up against the bar and raises her hand and Tunde grips his head and screams in pain he looks up and finds a new victim he tries to run towards Zyanya but with each step he takes each bone in his body breaks starting with his legs "you have no idea what I am do you!?!.... it doesn't matter how many sacrifices you make, how much power you have you will NEVER be able to hurt me!.... but I can hurt you and I will if you go near him again!.... you died once.... but this time I will make sure this death is much more painful than the last and this pain will live on with you in purgatory so BACK OFF!!"  Zyanya growls darkly Tunde gasps then stumbles backwards "looks like Elijah found his sister.... funny thing is I could never sense her but I can sense your magic and you left quite the trail to follow like the true idiot that you are!"  she adds and Tunde runs out of the bar so that he could live to fight another day and Zyanya walks out not even a second later ignoring the fact that Klaus was calling out her name with a pained heartbroken tone....

 funny thing is I could never sense her but I can sense your magic and you left quite the trail to follow like the true idiot that you are!"  she adds and Tunde runs out of the bar so that he could live to fight another day and Zyanya walks out no...

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"Hello Genevieve"  Zyanya says as she walks up behind a redheaded woman who turns around and stares at her in surprise "don't worry I'm not here to stop whatever Celeste is planning just to warn you that if Elijah or Niklaus get harmed I will make sure that you end up in pain for all eternity purgatory or not!.... and yes I know what body she borrowed!"   Zyanya says then she walks away.... the next night as Zyanya was walking through the streets of New Orleans she sees Elijah walking with "Sabine" she watches a "Sabine" kisses him she feels a spell try to take over him but puts it in herself instead when "Sabine" sees that it doesn't work she looks over and sees Zyanya standing nearby and mocks "you're always trying to save them!"   Zyanya replies "and I always will! always and forever!.... now if you don't mind I'm taking Elijah home and if you do.... I'll just have to kill you! and I don't think your done yet are you!?!"  Zyanya walks over loops her arm through Elijah's and walks away taking a surprised looking Elijah with her.... Zyanya stops walking and starts screaming clutching her heart as though she got stabbed Elijah looks at her with a worried expression on his face "Niklaus!"   Zyanya whispers softly "the dagger!.... it made a home!.... in his chest!.... Rebekah and Hayley.... she's making you choose Lijah!.... go to the girls.... I've got Niklaus!"  Elijah looks at her "GO ELIJAH!.... NOW!!"  Elijah looks at her and runs.... Zyanya runs while trying to ignore the pain she feels she finds Niklaus in the witches half of the French Quarter with a "dead" Marcellus a shocked looking Sophie and a empty Monique she rushes over to Klaus just as he falls to his knees screaming and thrusts her hand into his chest pulling the dagger out as she pulls her hand back as she does all this she locks her lips with his giving him something else to think about "no!"  Klaus whispers she smiles at him and asks "do you really think I'd make it that easy for them to have me!?!"  she looks down at the ground and he turns to see a copy of himself laying in the spot she was looking at and smiles "let me take you home but we have to go now!.... I don't know how long I can keep this shield up!"  she adds he smiles at her and lets her help him up then they walk to the Mikaelson family home she walks him to where he keeps the family coffin's and lays him inside his then she lays on top of him wrapping her arms around his body and she falls right to sleep Klaus smiles then joins her not too long after.... he needed to be asleep make it seem as though he was still daggered but she made it so that it was more like he was daggered the "Mikaelson" way.... the sliver dagger and white ash way.... in a place that felt and smelled like him so she could make it seem like the witches still had him she'd like to hope that even with his selfish asshole act he would care more about her being placed back in the "care" of the witches and becoming the emotionless killer she was meant to be....

Zyanya gasps awake and whispers "Elijah!"  then yells "HENRIK!!"  Henrik comes running into the room and stares at her as she says "Elijah's in danger!.... I have to stay here!.... keep this spell in place!.... go!.... find your brother and protect him!.... don't tell Tati or Lyas!.... the witches can't know about them!"  he nods then runs to go find Elijah.... "Henrik!.... what are you doing here!?!"  Elijah asks "Zyanya was worried she sent me to find you.... she thought you were in danger"  Henrik replies Elijah smiles then asks "have they found Rebekah?!"   Henrik shakes his head "come.... let's go home!"  Elijah says Henrik nods Elijah wraps his arm around his brothers shoulder and they walk out of the woods together.... Henrik brings Elijah to where the coffin's lay in their family home and Elijah is surprised to see Zyanya laying with Klaus in his (Klaus) coffin asleep "what is going on!?!"  Elijah asks with a soft curious tone "the witches think they have him with them.... she needed to be close to him to keep the spell going.... she isn't connected to Rebekah like she is us.... she won't be able to help!.... besides we know what happens when she feels our pain!.... the copy she made of Klaus still has Tunde's dagger in him so she might still be feeling some of that pain.... I'm not sure how her copies work!"  Henrik replies.... as she dreamt Zyanya and Klaus shared a replay of Rebekah's past and how she used Genevieve to conspire against him and Klaus' chest became wet with her tears

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