Upon opening her eyes, she saw that his food was gone; his fingers just finishing snapping his mask over his nose.

“Just did.” he responded to her question.

“You always wear that.” Hisayo set her bowl down and picked up her teacup.


“The mask; you always wear it. I’ve never seen you without it.”

“It suits me, don’t you think?”

“I guess if you’re trying to hide something, but then again I guess I don’t have room to talk.” Hisayo lowered her voice.

“Meaning?” He knew very well what she meant, but had continued to appear unknowing. Just how long was he planning to keep it up? He had no idea really.

Hisayo cast her gold orbs to her tea and took a sip. “Never mind.”

Kakashi propped his elbow over his seat as he waited for her to finish eating. “Alright. So, what are your plans for the day?”

“Find Akio and train. We haven’t had any summons from the Hokage, so that seems like a good option. Besides, if I don’t get that old man to train, then he will just get out of shape.” Hisayo was careful not to sound joking in any way.

Though, if Akio had been there to hear her words, then she probably would give in to the temptation of a small smile by seeing his reaction to her words.

“Sounds like a great idea, but how about you train with me instead, hmm?” Kakashi asked in his usual calm voice.

He hoped she would agree, it was too early in the day for him to do anything too drastic about the situation. He still needed to give Akio time to gain distance from the village.

“I will need you to distract her for a few hours. Think you can handle that?”

“You really think with her temperament that she would easily agree to anything I ask of her?”

“If she doesn’t at first, which she won’t, throw around my name. I doubt she would want to deal with my teasing manners towards her.” Akio chuckled and Kakashi as well, for he had already done so and with just the ending results he had wanted too.

Kakashi ended his low chuckling. “I’m a bit ahead of you on that one.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes, I have to admit that I have used your name against her already.” Kakashi scratched the back of his neck in a guilty manner.

Akio gave an impressed laugh. “At a boy, Kakashi. It’s good that you have that edge on her. But a bit of advice…if you annoy her enough with that kind of trick, or any kind of trick for too long, then you can be sure she will find something of yours to play against you.”

“I’m sure I can handle whatever it is she throws my way.” Kakashi made a mental note though, just in case.

“No.” Hisayo sharply replied to his request.

It was one thing to go along with eating breakfast with him—even though he had poked her in a corner to do it—but it was another completely different thing training with him. Things might accidentally get out of hand if she wasn’t careful. No, training was only reserved for the times that she was either alone, or in the presence of Akio.

Kakashi gave an inward drop of his head. Boy, was she going to be difficult to deal with all day—that’s if he made it that far in day. She was definitely a stubborn girl.

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