"So how's mom life?" Jenna asks as we sit together with Kara and Judith next to the graves.
I roll my eyes. "Kicking my ass."
Jenna laughs.
"But it's worth it, I mean, look at her face." I chuckle as I turn Kara to show her off.

Jenna tilts her head and squints suspiciously at me.
"What's that smile? You're very chirpy today."
"Sorry, should I sulk for the rest of the day?"
"It wouldn't be new for you." She teases and I swat at her arm.

Judith runs back and forth gathering sticks and stones to play with and I watch her contently. Fangs stands next to Judith, using his nose to steady her when she wobbles in her footing.

"Seriously, what's going on?"
I shrug. "Kai forgave me..."
Jenna laughs. "Nahhh, I'm not an idiot... what happen-" she quickly gasps.
"Oh my god! You kissed him, didn't you?"
"No, shhh! No, I didn't."
Her eyes light up in excitement and curiosity. Another thing to gossip about. Great.
She gasps again, even more dramatically than last time.
"You dropped the 'L' bomb, didn't you. You love him."

I smile slightly but quickly move on which only annoys her more than not getting the answer. She rolls her eyes but doesn't push any further.

"What about you, Barbie? Any scandal ?"
She shakes her head. "Not since Carl ended things with me."
I bite my lip uncomfortably. "Sorry about that."
She shrugs. "Not your fault, he wasn't ready to move on anyways. I knew that but..."
"But it didn't make it suck any less." I finish for her.
She shakes her head.

I take a deep breath before opening my mouth. I don't want to say what I'm about to say but I want Carl to happy and I can't do that for him, but that's not to say that somebody else can't.

"What about now?"
"Do you think he's ready now?"
She stares at me in shock.
"Um, I don't know."
"Maybe you should ask him."
She frowns. "What? No way! He'll just reject me again."
"Something tells me otherwise. What have you got to loose? We're all friends and we always will be. That's a promise... ask him."
She smiles. "Maybe I will."

"How can you be so chill about this?"
"Carl is my best friend. I want him to be happy. I've never met somebody so deserving of it. And I want you to be happy too. What else is there to it?"

She smiles.
"On a totally unrelated note, I have another question."
She chuckles. "Of course you do. What is it?"
"Malia Turner. Where is she?"
She raises a brow at me. "Rick told me not to tell you."
I roll my eyes and scoff.
"The cell?"
She purses her lips and hesitates.

I smile and stand to my feet, satisfied with her lack of response.
"Thank you, that was all I needed to know."
"W, what do I tell Rick?"
"Nothing. You never seen me this morning. In fact, all you did was take Judith and Kara for a walk." I throw her a wink before picking up my bow and arrows.

"Let's go Fangs." I call.
"Madison!" Jenna whines.
"Thanks Blondie, I owe you one." I blow her a mocking kiss before hurrying through the tightly, overgrown, evergreen trees.

I move swiftly to the cell hoping nobody catches me. I probably won't have long to talk. When I look through the door I see Erin guarding the cell.
Ugh, I should've known.

"Fangs, let's have a meltdown, huh?" I back up with the dog and it takes me a solid ten minutes to find a way to make the dog howl and bark. I sit back at a distance from Fangs and wait for him to create a big enough commotion that Erin comes out to inspect what's going on.

Five fricken minutes it takes him to throw the door open and sigh loudly.
"Jesus dog! What's your problem?"
I quickly sneak in while his back is turned in the opposite direction and close the door behind me. He spins around and I watch as his eyes widen and he runs towards the door. I twist the key that was carelessly left in the door and I mouth 'sorry' through the small window in the door.

"I thought I smelled betrayal." Malia starts before I even turn around to look at her.
Sure enough, there she is locked inside the cage like an animal. I sit back against the wall, opposite to her so I can be eye-level with her. The bruises on her face make her look like she's hiding in a shadow, despite the light pouring in through the tiny window.

"I'd be lying if I said this didn't bring a smile to my face." I smirk.
She scowls and I look in her eyes as if I can see straight through them and observe how her brain is working hard on finding another way to annoy me.
"I heard about Kai's sister. It's so sad to hear, I really would've loved to return the favor to Kai, if you know what I mean."
I remain calm even though I want to send an arrow through her stupid little head.

"Wow, your ass must be pretty jealous of all the shit that just came out of your mouth. How about we cut the shit and get straight to the juicy stuff, yeah?"
She folds her arms and pouts.
"What's your angle?"
"I don't have one."

"Look, I know you're a little slow upstairs but I'm not. Now, this might put a little kink into your master plan but I'm gonna need you to put those two remaining brain cells together and work with me here, okay?. Let me break it down for you. You were at the sanctuary. Which means you worked for Negan. You spent time there. You must have heard something about us and then, you just magically appear out of nowhere and get brought back to Negan's enemies here at Alexandria. Which is where Kai is coincidentally living. Does that not sound fishy to you?"

"I'm telling you the truth. I don't have anything to do with him." She responds.
"Yeah, and I'm the tooth fairy." I retort before rolling my eyes. "I don't buy it."
"Why not?"
"I don't trust you."
"Me? YOU don't trust ME! YOU'RE the one who betrayed me."
"Yes, sorry. You are so right Malia. I was wrong, I should've handed my best friend over to you on a silver platter for you to assassinate him. Please forgive me."

She scoffs. "You are so annoying."
"At least I'm not a snitch."
"I'm not a snitch!"
"Please, I know you're just going to go running back to him and tell him all our plans."
"At this point, it's temping, except I'm in a FRICKEN CAGE!" She screams, thrashing her feet on the ground.

"Wow, that was almost over-dramatic. Phew." I swipe my hand across my forehead, mocking her.
We stare at each other for a long awkward few minutes before were interrupted by a pounding in the door.
"MADISON!!" Rick shouts.
"Open this door right now."
I shrug. "I thought they would've got here sooner if I'm being honest. But I've got not time and you've got no answers, even if you did, you wouldn't give them to me. So, you're about as useful as lips on a woodpecker, let's wrap this up."

She stands up, cautiously as I pull out my bow and begin to load it.
"W,what are you gonna do to me?"
I sigh and tut repeatedly.
"Murder was not on my agenda today, you've completely ruined my schedule."
"What? Murder isn't on anyone's agenda!"
"No, it's on mine. Just not until Thursday." I tease.

I lift my bow to aim, carefully through the bars. Just before I release the string the door is unlocked to show a very angry Rick and Aaron. Rick holds a spare key in his hand.

I sigh. "Excuse me, I'm in the middle of something. Can you wait until I'm done?"
"Madison!" Rick barks and marches up to me, kicking the bow from my hand and harshly yanking me to my feet.

"You touched my bow! You know I don't like-"
"Shut it Mads! I've heard enough." He begins to push me out the door when Fangs comes running through it, snarling. He's snapping at Rick only inches away. I grab him by the collar and heave him back.
"You better get that dog to stop or I'll-"
"You'll what?" I taunt him.
"Touch him, I dare you, see if I ever speak a word to you again." I snarl.

"Why are you being like this?" He argues.
"Because you're fucking blind Rick! She's using you. She's not on our side, she's a snitch. The second you trust her start digging our graves."

Rick stays silent and I turn to Malia.
"You're lucky it was him that saved you. I should've shot you the second I laid eyes on you. Don't think you'll get a second chance."
I grab my bow and march out the door, shouldering Aaron on the way.

The second I walk outside the door I hear something that sends shivers up my spine.
When I turn around my heart stops and my blood runs cold.

The gate has been thrown off its hinges and Negan stands confidently tall, with a smirk on his face. Tens and hundreds of saviors armed behind him.
"The big day has arrived folks and Lucille. Is. Thirsty."

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