Chapter 11. Too Much

Start from the beginning

"So, maybe give me another day....."

"Two days, Kyla, I am not changing my assessment." David interrupts. "You have been pushing yourself more than you let anyone know. And you primarily ride around on Chaz, which pushes him harder also. Am I wrong?"

Kyla looks away. "I do what I have to. This job, this island is very important to us."

Chaz walks into the main lobby, glaring at David.

Chika turns quickly and runs to the other room.

"No Chaz, not this time. You have both been pushing yourselves too hard. Without proper training, you both might be seriously injured if you have to break out another mega evolution." David says.

Chaz approaches David and looks him closely in the eyes. Chaz grunts at Kyla.

"Whatever makes you feel better." Kyla waves her hand as she returns to the other room.

"What, Chaz, are you mad at me for bossing Kyla around?" David asks.

Chaz does not respond, he continues to stare into David's eyes.

"If you and Kyla continue the way you have, the next few mega evolutions could mortally wound Kyla." David exclaims.

Chaz starts to see a reflection in David's eyes. He bares his teeth.

David grabs Chaz by the back of the head and pulls him closer. "I'll make myself very clear. Without proper training, Kyla could die. And I'll be damned if I am going to let that happen."

A single tear rolls down David's face. Chaz smiles gently and pulls way from David.

"Wait.... were you... testing me?" David asks with a surprised expression.

Chaz gently taps David's shoulder with his fist and walks to the next room.

David chuckles, whipping the tear away. "That Charizard really is her big brother." David turns away and goes to the back room.

"One big happy family." Blare hugs Eve close.

Eve barks happily.

An hour passes with no one talking. Kyla sleeps with her Pokemon while David and Blare continue their normal inventory checks. A sound of wheels coming to a hard stop outside catches David and Blare's attention as Jenny rushes in.

"David?!" Jenny shouts.

David walks out of the back room. "What's going on, Jenny."

"I found the trainer from yesterday, he seems to be....."

"Blind?" David asks, bluntly.

"Yes, but how did you know?" Jenny asks, confused.

"Kyla is recovering in the next room. Her situation is less severe, but I know exactly what is happening. He must have had Beedrill in Mega form for an excessive amount of time." David says.

"Can you help him?" Jenny asks.

"Bring him in... I will do what I can. Blare, grab two small test tubes out of the back." David orders.

"Right!" Blare rushes to the back lab area.

Jenny helps Chad inside and sits him in a reclining examination chair.

"Where am I?!" Chad asks, nervously.

"The Pokemon Clinic." David answers, rolling cross the floor on a chair. "And you, sir, are suffering from, what I like to call, mega consequences."

"Haha, Doc, that is original. Can you help my eyesight or not?" Chad asks.

"Should I help you? After all, you did this to yourself." David says.

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