Chapter 12

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Adeline's POV:

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Adeline's POV:

My mother, father and I walk through the streets of the July 4th celebrations. I know I need to break away and see my friends, but if father sees who the friends are, I'll be in trouble. As we walk, I see the group standing to the edge, they look to me but I hold my finger up to them. They nod and I then turn to my parents.

"I was wondering if I could hang out with my friends today?" I ask the pair. The stop and face me.

"Who would these friends be?" Father asks.

"Umm, together they're known as the Losers Club." I tell them.

"Is this the group Sonia's son is in?" Mother asks. I nod. "Then it's fine with me. Hart?"

"It's fine with me." He replies, then pulls me in for a hug. Whispering in my ear. "If I am correct that means it's the group standing just back there. You didn't mention that you and your girl friend was highly out numbered. We'll talk about this later, but answer me this. Are you still my little girl?"

"Yes, daddy." I reply. He nods and kisses my forehead.

"Be back by curfew." Mother says.

"Yes, ma'am." I reply, and then turn away from them. I walk towards the group. "Hey, guys." I greet.

"Hi." They all collectively reply. Then together we walk through the streets. Eddie goes off to get myself, himself and Richie some ice cream. The others start talking about serious things, but I just watch as Richie tries to play a band member's instrument. I walk over to them and look to the owner.

"May I?" I ask the man.

"If you can get it off this boy and promise to give it back, okay." The man replies. I tap Richie on the shoulder and hold my hand out. Richie hands me the trumpet.

"This is how you play it, Richie." I tell him, then bring the trumpet to my lips and play a short melody.

Once I finish, I look to see the Losers looking in shock, I smile.

"Holy fuck. Well done." Richie says, I roll my eyes and hand the man his trumpet. Eddie then comes over and hands us our ice cream and we walk to the others.

"What are you guys talking about?" Eddie asks.

"What they always talk about." Richie replies. I keep licking my ice cream while they talk.

"I actually think it will end, for a while at least." Ben replies.

"What do you mean?" Bev asks.

"I've been going over all my Derry research and I charted out all of the big events: The Ironworks explosion in 1908, The Bradley gang in '35, and the Black Spot in '62. And now kids being..." Ben trails off. "I realised that this stuff seems to happen-"

"Every 27 years." Bill, Ben and I say in unison. Together we all then walk to sit in front of a statue in the park. I sit on the floor, beside Bill's bike- which Eddie and Bill are sitting on.

"Okay, so let me get this straight. IT comes out from wherever to eat kids for like a year and then what? IT just goes into hibernation?" Eddie asks.

"Maybe it's like... What do you call it?" Stan asks.

"Cicadas." I tell him, he nods in my direction. Everyone else looks confused.

"They're these bugs that come out once every 17 years." Stan explains.

"Yeah, they're actually quite cool. There are 3,000 cicada species recorded and they actually vary in size from 0.75 to 2.25 inches. They start their lives as eggs above the ground, but when they hatch, they actually burrow down into the ground and feed on the liquid in plant roots. The females will lay around 20 eggs at a time, but then don't care for their young. When the ground temperature at a depth of 8 inches reaches 18 degrees the young, known as nymphs, know when it's time to come out of the ground. Then-" I ramble, but then get cut off by Eddie.

"We get it, the bugs are cool. But we've gone a little of topic." Eddie says to me.

"Sorry." I mumble, looking to the floor.

"How did you know all that?" Stan asks me. I look to him and shrug.

"I got bored and read some book." I tell him. He nods.

"Anyway, my grandfather thinks this town is cursed. He says that all the bad things in Derry are because of one thing. And evil thing that feeds off the people of Derry." Mike says.

"But it can't be one thing, we all saw something different." Stan says.

"Maybe. Or maybe It knows what scares is the most and that's what we see." Mike suggests.

"I-I saw a leper. He was like a walking infection." Eddie says.

"But you didn't. because IT isn't real. Not Eddie's leper, or Bill seeing Georgie, or this woman I keep seeing." Stan says, sounding afraid.

"Is she hot?" Richie stupidly asks.

"No, Richie! She's not hot!" Stan snaps. "Her face is all messed up. None of this seems real, they're all like bad dreams."

"I don't think so, I know the difference between bad dreams and real life, okay?" Mike replies.

"What'd you see? You saw something too?" Eddie asks the newest member of the group.

"Yes." Mike replies. "Youguys know that burnt down house on Harris Avenue? I was inside when it burned down. Before I rescued... my mom and dad were trapped in the next room over from me. They were pushing and pounding on the door trying to get to me. But it was too hot. When firefighters found them the skin on their hands melted down to the bone..." Mike takes a moment to take a shaky breath. "We're all afraid of something." He concludes. I look down in sadness for him.

"Got that right." Richie comments.

"Why Rich? What are you afraid of?" Eddie asks him.

"Clowns." He admits after he looked at the clown on the stage of the festival.

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