Chapter 10

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Adeline's POV:

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Adeline's POV:

I rush through the door and run up the stairs. I quickly change into something that won't be in my way, and then start with the upstairs. I start by cleaning my parents' room and bathroom. I move on to the landing and the stairs. After I've finished the whole of the upstairs, minus my bedroom which I can do later. I rush downstairs to the cupboard to get the broom, and start on sweeping the floors. But I can't find the broom in the cupboard. I hear some nails tap against the table, and I turn to see my mother sitting there.

 I hear some nails tap against the table, and I turn to see my mother sitting there

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The fear builds up inside me as I look into her angry eyes.

"Looking for this?" She asks holding up the broom. I nod. "Why wasn't the floor already cleaned? I told you that you needed to have finished your chores by the time I came home, but I notice that you haven't."

"I'm sorry, ma'am. I lost track of the time." I explain to her.

"You lost track of the time?" She asks. I nod. "If I did that at work, lives would be lost."

"And I respect that. But I'm not exactly under the same pressure as I clean the house only a few minutes behind schedule." I reply to her, she stands and walks towards me. She grips my chin with her hand and makes me look into her eyes.

"How dare you disrespect me." She sneers. "I put the food on the table for you eat, and all I ask for you to do is to clean this house. Why is that too much to ask?"

"Because I am 13 years old! Someone that age is meant to be enjoying their life with their friends and then have the rest of their lives to become serious! But you're not giving me anytime to be free!" I argue back. She lets go of my face and slaps me. The force of her slap makes me fall into the table, this makes the glass on the table smash against the table. I put my hand against my cheek and look at her in shock. She's never once hit me. She looks back to me, not a hint of regret in her eyes.

"Get this mess cleaned up and finish the rest of your chores. Then you will cook dinner for three people because we have a guest, you will then serve it to us and then you are to stay in your room, and to bed without dinner. If you ever disobey me again, you will starve to death. Understand?" She sneers. I nod. She storms out of the room, leaving me on my own. I then get a start on the chores, making sure the house looks neat since a guest is coming. After I've finished that, I start to prepare the dinner. The smells fill the house as there is a knock on the door. Mother walks to open it and greets whoever is at the door. I hear father's voice, but also a woman's.

The Broken Child// IT (2017)Where stories live. Discover now