Chapter 11

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Adeline's POV:

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Adeline's POV:

After getting a worried phone call from Bev this morning, I find myself riding fast to her apartment. As I get there, I notice the rest of the Losers club turn up too. They smile to me, and I return it. Then Bev comes running from the stairs, out of breath.

"You made it. I-I need to show you something." Bev tells us.

"What is it?" I ask.

"More than what we saw at the quarry?" Richie asks.

"Shut up! Just shut up, Richie!" Eddie orders.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment." Bev explains worried.

"W-w-w-w-we'll leave a look out. R-R-Richie stay here." Bill orders, and everyone follows Bev.

"Woah, woah, woah, what if her dad comes back?" He asks.

"Do what you always do, start talking." Stan sasses.

"It's a gift..." Richie mumbles in response. Together we all then follow Bev through the apartment, walking together in a huddle.

"In there..." Bev says, pointing to a door.

"What is it?" Stan asks.

"You'll see." Bev replies, and we all go forwards, Eddie rambling.

"Great , bringing us to the bathroom. You know that 89% of the worse accidents occur in the bathroom and kitchen. And that's where all the bacteria and fungi are... and it is not a hygienic place..." Eddie rambles, I place my hand on his shoulder. He looks to me with a small smile, I return it. Bill then pushes open the door and the whole bathroom is covered in blood. From the walls to the window, from the sink to the bath, every surface covered in blood. "I knew it." Eddie says, gagging and taking a puff of his inhaler.

"Do you see it?" Bev asks.

"Yes." Eddie tells her.

"What happened in here?" Bill asks.

"My dad couldn't see it, I thought I might be crazy." Bev explains, not really answering the question.

"well if you're crazy..." Ben starts.

"Then we're all crazy." I finish.

"We c-c-can't leave it like this." Bill states, and that's when we start to clean the blood-stained bathroom. I work with Ed on the walls while the others clean other points of the bathroom- I watch as Eddie rings out a cloth and holds his inhaler between his teeth. As the bathroom becomes visible again, we then start to pour the bloodied water down the bath and then put the cloths into black bags and putting them in the large bins outside.

"Let's put the rubbish out there." I say to Eddie, who then laughs. "What?"

"'Rubbish'" He says in his attempt at a British accent. "It's trash."

The Broken Child// IT (2017)Where stories live. Discover now