Chapter 6

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Adeline's POV:

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Adeline's POV:

Bev and I walk to our house, mine being on the way to hers.

"How's your stomach?" She asks. I shrug. "Can I see?" I pull up my top and show her the letters carved into my stomach, her eyes widen. "Jesus." She simply comments.

"Yeah, he was being a dick." I reply. She laughs. "Are you going to the quarry tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I think I will. It'll be nice to get some more friends." She replies. I smile. "Are you going?"

"Depends whether I'm grounded for the state of my clothes." I reply with a shrug. "But if not, I will turn up and see you there."

"Stay away from Henry, Lana. We don't want any more letters added to what's already there." Bev says to me. I nod, and she pulls me into a hug as we come to the point where we separate. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye, Bev." I reply, walking towards my house. As I get to the front door, I notice another car in the drive- but I can't put my finger on who's it is. I open the door and am met with the sight of my mum and dad talking with Oscar Bowers, along with Henry. My mouth opens momentarily, but then I regain my posture. Their heads snap to me, and their eyes widen.

"What the hell? How dare you walk around in this state. Go and clean yourself up!" My mum orders.

"Yes, Ma'am." I reply, and make my way up to my bedroom.

"I'll go help her clean up." I hear my father's voice say.

"She's not a baby, Hart. She can manage." My mother replies. My father says something in response, and I then hear his footsteps behind me. I enter my bedroom and go to close the door behind me, but my father's hand against the door stops me. I open it and let him in, closing the door behind him.

 I open it and let him in, closing the door behind him

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"What happened?" He asks me, as I turn to face him.

"It doesn't matter, I just need to clean myself up." I reply, going to go past him towards the bathroom. But he stops me by putting his hand across my stomach, making me cry out in pain. He pulls back and lifts up my top, I try to push it back down but he's already got it up. He looks in shock.

"Who did this?" He asks me, looking straight into my eyes. I look down to the floor. "Who?" He asks again, lifting my chin so I face him.

"It doesn't matter, they won't do it again." I tell him.

"How do I know that?" He asks.

"You don't. But you just have to trust me when I say it won't happen again." I tell him. "Daddy, please."

"Alright. I'll trust you. But if this happens again, I want you to come straight to me, and tell me who it is. Then together we'll deal with it. Okay?" He asks. I nod. "Let's get you cleaned up. Grab some clothes." I do what he asks, then together we walk to his bathroom- where the medical supplies are kept. He locks the bathroom door and he treats my wound. After he's done, I change my clothes and throw the others away.

"Can I stay in my room?" I ask him, once he starts walking towards the stairs. He nods. I then walk towards my room and close the door with a lock. As I turn around I also scream in fright, but someone's hand goes over my mouth.

"Shhh. We don't want anyone downstairs hearing." Henry says to me. "Now, I want to know what you told your father about the wounds on your stomach."

"Nothing. I said nothing." I tell him once he's moved his hand away.

"How can I believe that? Why didn't you throw me under the bus?" He asks.

"Because your dad is friends with my dad. I didn't want to ruin their friendship. Besides I knew you would kill me if I told." I tell him.

"That's true, I probably would have." Henry replies. "I want you to swear to me that you're not going to tell him."

"I swear." I reply, he nods and strokes his fingers against my cheek. My breath becomes shaky.

"It seems that you're still scared of me." He whispers into my ear. The feeling of the breath against my ear makes me shiver.

"Yeah, well you scarred me. Of course, I'm going to be scared of you." I spit out. He strokes my face again.

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it." He whispers.

"I enjoyed it? You fucking raped me!" I whisper shout back. "When in the world would anyone enjoy being raped?"

"I enjoyed it." He taunts. "I enjoyed watching you struggle, watching the fear in your eyes, watching the fight leave you as you knew you couldn't escape, listening as your breathing became shaking, hearing your muffled sobs. I enjoyed every minute of it. And if there was no one in this house, I would do it again." This makes my breath stop in my throat. I kneel him in the 'manly-area' and rush to unlock the door. I unlock the door and go to open it, but Henry grabs my hand and spins me around, he slaps me in the face and then puts is hand around my throat. I feel him tighten his grip and my oxygen supply get cut off. I start gasping for the non-existent air. The black spots start to cloud my vision, but I can still see Henry smirking

"Henry, we're leaving!" Oscar calls from downstairs. He drops his grip on my neck and I fall to the floor, gasping for breath.

"Coming." He shouts back, he kneels down beside me and takes a fistful of my hair-making me face him. "Tell anyone, and you'll be dead before you can utter a single word." He threatens, then he drops me to the floor. He goes past me and walks out my bedroom door. I feel the tears start to fall as I get the control back on my breathing. I look into my mirror and see the red marks along my neck, and sigh.

Tomorrow's another day...

The Broken Child// IT (2017)Where stories live. Discover now