Chapter 15 I'm Mario Junha Emmanuel, Aiden's Twin Brother

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May 15, 2009

I wish I could meet her again. That what the moment I saw her in the New York, Airport. I mistakenly bumped into her as I said good bye to hyung. Since I was rushed getting the flight I don't even get chance to say sorry or to said anything else.

By the way Angel, she look as beautiful like always. She is something special. Out of all the girls I have seen she is one who catch my eyes and steal my heart. You are mine, Ms Angel. I will never miss you in my life.


December 15, 2009

I found no where to go. I fly to New York that evening. I thought to have a talk with hyung. That was the time he say he got dinner with his girlfriend's family. As for my entertaiment I went to bookshop. Yeah, it might be weird but I do searching for books when I'm sad.

There is where God meet me with Angel again. I saw she crying alone in the end of the bookshelf while hold a playboy novel. Finally, I have gut to talk to her. All her answer was how I found her. The weird is she call me Shin. Hyung's name. The best thing I can do is hug and comfort her......


July 15, 2010

My all world have been crushed. When I saw Angel face on my hyung phone. My Wife. I lost everything because of hyung. Everything I had in this world. He took it. Parents love, best school, best education, best friends and the only thing I ever love for the first time. He took that too from me. Look like I'm so unlucky. That why everything I loved always left me.

The day after we found about hyung's diease. I crushed. I will lose him too. There is nothing will left for me. That's the moment hyung made a promise to me. To protecting you, care about you, loving you and married you. The only thing that he said 'I know no one ever can make her happy except. I only could save her life. I'm sorry for took everything from you include Angel. Now, I give it back to you. Please take good care of her, Joon'.

Back of the cover wrote,



'Why you lied to me? Why? What I did to you?' Nithika keep on mumbled as she break one by one thing in her room. She break the mirror, break the table lamp, she throw all the things in the desk to the floor. When Vincent rush to get in her room. She took the car key from key holder in her house as she get out from her house. Vincent try to stop but she hardly listen to him. She even warn all her bodyguard to not follower her. She rushly drive the car fast. Nithika drive car in 240 km/d speedily.

'Why you? Out of anyone that I could fall in love again why I fall for you. Why you should be Shin's twins? Why me? Why?' she sobbed.

Tears fall down from her eyes like rains. Heart was broken. She felt like someone pull the trigger from the gun and shot direct to her heart. How painful it will be?

That how she feel right now.

'How dumb I am? I didn't noticed that you both could be twins. Face, attitude, characters, besides just the different is smile and eyes' She took a round in that high speed. She even didn't wait for the red signal and drive speed. Nithika even get few bad words from other driver.

In other side, Nithika reject all the call she receive from him while drive. Junha get worried. She never reject his call before. What happen to her? He even try call Vincent whether she already get back home or not. Vincent told she was angry when she go out rushly and he also didn't sure about that. Even none of her bodyguard follow her cause she forbidden them follow her.

You Are Mine Ms. AngelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang