Chapter 6:Jaunedice

Start from the beginning

Cardin: This is the part where you lose.

Jaune: Over my dead-!

Jaune is cut short as Cardin knees him in the gut, making Jaune drop his sword and fall to the ground in pain. Cardin raises his mace and is about to slam it down on Jaune until Glynda's voice causes him to stop.

Glynda: Cardin, that's enough! Students, as you can see, Mr. Arc's Aura has now dropped into the red. In a tournament-styled duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fit for battle and that the official may call the match.

You notice Pyrrah looking worried at Jaune, who is still on the floor.

Glynda: Mr. Arc, it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your Aura will help you decide when it's appropriate to attack, or when it is better to move to a more... defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a Beowulf, now, would we?

Cardin: Speak for yourself...

Glynda: (To The Students) Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing! Those who choose to compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale!

Everyone seems to be excited about the festival except me, mostly because I can't fight in the tournament since I'm a one-man team and because Ozpin said "It wouldn't be fair for students to face against someone who could destroy an entire universe"...

The bell then rings abruptly and the students start leaving, except for Pyrrha and Jaune.

Y(N): (Walks up to Jaune) You look like you could use a hand...(You offer your hand which he takes and stands up)...Things don't seem to be working out for you, do they?

Jaune: (Sighs) I wish I could just choose not to fight like you, Y(N)...

Pyrrah: (Runs up to you and Jaune) Jaune! Are you alright? Your aura sustained some heavy damage!

Y(N): Well, then let us refill that aura with some food. Lunch is next anyway.

Pyrrha: I don't think that's how aura replenishes, Y(N)...

Y(N): That's how mine replenishes... Speaking of lunch, you guys go ahead of me, I still need to mess around with Glynda. (You smirk with a cocky smile)

Jaune: You are really testing that women's patience! If it backfires, you could be in serious trouble!

Y(N): I've faced worse than a woman who will soon have gray hair in the next year.

Pyrrha: ...This will not end well...

With that final comment Jaune and Pyrrha simply sighed and began to leave the arena.

Y(N): Don't worry, I can handle myself...(You then turn around and see Glynda using the tablet) HEY, GLYNDA!

Glynda freezes, then slowly turns around to see her least favorite student.

Glynda: (Grits her teeth) Is there something you need...Mr...Y(N)...?

Y(N): (You walk towards her) You know you can just call me Y(N). There is no need for a Mr, you know.

Glynda: I will call you by your first name the moment you start to address me as Professor!

Y(N): You don't have to be so serious all the time, you can relax every once in a while.

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