The two separate themselves walking over to Aro. Destiny held Aiden back as he heaved and cried in discomfort.

Aro takes Edward's first before grabbing Carlisle's. His face growing excited.

"May I meet them?" Aro asked as if it was a request and not a demand. Destiny began walking confidently having heard the demand. Aiden stumbled at her feet through the snow.

Bella soon followed at Edward's signal. Jacob followed them both.

Aro's head tilted curiously at Destiny. "She's gorgeous. Immortality suits you dear."

Destiny looked away bashfully almost forgetting that he was an enemy. "Thank you. It is nice to finally meet you, Aro."

"So well mannered..." His gazed dropped to her son that had found his way to the bottom of Aro's cloak. Aiden and Aro stared each other down almost curious of one another.

"Aro..." Aiden punctuated.

"And I believe your name is Aiden. Aiden Cullen." Aro greeted holding out his hand. The boy shook his hand gathering the leader's future moves as Aro gathered his past.

"My opposite..." He gasped letting the boy's hand go.

Destiny grabbed him pulling her son back. Aiden looked up between his two parents.

"Half mortal and half immortal. Concieved and carried by this newborn, Destiny, while she was still human. Not even that but with a gift of the same league as my own."

"Impossible." Caius gasped in fear.

Aro laughed at that looking curiously at the blonde haired boy. "He looks just like you, Carlisle."

"I'm aware." Aiden's dark orbs trained on Alec, whose hands were covered in black smoke.

"Mommy..." He pulled her dress and she tilted her head. "Don't take it in."

Destiny's eyes widened as her vision went black for a moment. She covered her face and could just barely hear Carlisle and Aro's voice.

"Alec, put it away. Be respectful." Aro snapped and Destiny fell to the ground coughing violently.

Carlisle snarled holding her close. The entire coven and witnesses seemed tense.

"Aro." Aiden called and the man looked to the little boy. "There's no law broken here. Why do you insist? Control your guard."

"Well aren't you a smart one." He stated. "But is there no danger?"

Destiny looked up at Carlisle and in response, her mate nodded.

"We know nothing of these children. To spare ourselves a fight, today... Only to die, tomorrow."

"You're scared I'll dethrone you, Aro." The man turned quickly as the boy smirked. "You're scared that I'll make everything you built up... Burn."

Destiny was shocked by her son's bold accusation. Carlisle seemed proud.

"Who said you're a match for me, Boy."

"I have a name. It's Aiden Rose Cullen!" He yelled.

"Well then, Aiden Rose Cullen. Do you think yourself better than Aro?" Caius asked cockily.

"Do you think Aro is better than you?" The boy retorted.

Caius growled only to be stopped my Aro's arm.

"Alice!" He cried happily as the pixie haired woman walked onto the scene.

Aiden watched curiously as everyone walked closer almost ready to fight.

"I have proof that the children won't be a threat to our kind. Let me show you." She asked holding her hand out.

Aro flapped his coat "Your visions are unsure."

"But..." She gasped.

Aiden growled aggressively "Don't talk to my sister like that."

Destiny snuck in behind her mate as her gift came to life. She blended perfectly into the snow becoming invisible to the naked eye.

Carlisle was slightly shocked but grabbed their son anyway.

The standstill was immensely panic inducing. Nobody except Aiden knew the next move.

"Dodge." Aiden said simply to Aro.

"Dodge?" He jumped to the side as Jasper jumped up throwing one of the guards at him.

"I've been searching for my own witnesses. A witness that can prove the children will be able to keep the secret and not be known." Alice attempted to reason as two tribal members joined the fray.

"And... We are done with these witnesses- Let them speak, brother." Aro interrupted.

"I'm half human, half vampire like the children. A vampire seduced my mother and she died at my birth. My aunt raised me as her own and I made her immortal."

"How old are you?" Bella asked

"150 years."

"And what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked glancing towards the boy in Carlisle's arms.

"7 years after my birth. I have not changed since."

"And your diet?"

"Blood. Human food. I can survive on either." The man responded.

"These children are much like us." Marcus gasped.

"But they're consulting with werewolves!" Caius accused picking at straws.

"Brothers, there is no danger here, today." Aro announced "So we will not fight, today."

Everyone watched as the black cloaks began speeding away leaving Aro. He looked at Aiden.

"Next we meet young Aiden, I will look forward to seeing your strength at maturity." He said before following his coven.

Aiden nodded and climbed down from his father to see his mother standing where Aro was previously.

"We have them on the run. Now is the time to attack!" Everyone ignored him shaking their heads.

"You're all fools! The Volturi might be gone but they will never forgive what happened here. What that boy has done challenging Aro."

Aiden giggled shaking his head and kissing his mommy. The wolves howled in victory as they all went home.

Her Final High [C.Cullen]Where stories live. Discover now