1. (BD)

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"Today is your big day, Bella." Destiny whispered hugging her. "Why couldn't I be a bride's maid again?"

"Destiny! I have no bride's maids. Edward has no men of honor . It's just me and Edward."

"Fine." Destiny pouted running a brush through her shorter hair. She'd cut it to shoulder length so that she could throw it up easily. Rosalie helped with a grin on her face as she braided the strands into an elegant bun.

"You look amazing, Mom." Rose said in a teasing voice.

"I feel 10x older now. I'm only 24, Rose." Destiny was reaping the Sagittarius gang with her birthday on December 15th. The golden blonde laughed in response.

Destiny paused looking at her ring and thinking back towards her own wedding day.

Destiny giggled following Carlisle in a semi formal dress like he requested. She felt like she was a teenager again running off with her boyfriend.

"Where are we going?" She asked as they hopped up the steps to the Cullen household.

"Come. Everyone is waiting." He hurried carrying her bridal style.

"Who is everyone?" She asked before they made it to the backyard. The eagerness that dripped in her voice was music to his ears.

It was all their children, Esme, Charlie, Bella, even Jacob and the pack made a circle around the entire gathering in their wolf forms. Carlisle led her to the giant arbor. White ivory colored roses grew on it and Destiny sucked in a breath. It was perfect...

"Surprise wedding?" Carlisle offered with a boyish smirk. Destiny smacked his chest.

"You're not supposed to surprise the bride." She looked around in wonder with a soft smile.

"Is that a yes?" Emmett asked dancing in his tux. Rose pinched him making him wince.

"Emmett!" She growled playfully, "Let our mother be."

Destiny cringed feeling older before looking to Carlisle "Yes, please."

He stood her at the arbor before kneeling at her feet and kissing her hand. She blushed as he began speaking.

"I, Carlisle Cullen, Leader of the Olympic Coven, take you, Dynasty Ignus Heathers-"

"To have and to hold-"

"In sickness-"

"And immortality?" She offered. Everyone chuckled. Leah snorted in her wolf form and got smacked with Sam's tail.

"Absolutely..." Carlisle kissed her deeply.

She pulled away, "Then isn't that all we need."

"Let us make memories into the future."

"For eternity?"

"And beyond." He assured caressing her snow colored hair.

"Please..." She whispered closing in the distance.

"Of course." He kissed her again with passion. Everyone clapped as the wolves yipped and howled.

Bella smiled and held Edward's hand.

She shook away the memory touching her lips. She'd always wanted a small, private wedding. It was short but the party spanned into the next morning.

"Destiny, help me with Bella's hair?" Alice asked.

"Sure." She walked from her wall next to Rose and began brushing through the redish locks

"I'm so nervous." She whispered, "I wish my wedding was a surprise private wedding."

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