6. (NM)

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Destiny woke up to nothing like usual. She didn't even realize anything was wrong until Bella called her.

The information that she got was enough to ruin her entire day.

She arrived at the Cullen house with Bella to see everything bare and empty. Destiny turned and began anxiously assuring herself thaf everything was fine and they would come back in a month or two. Maybe less.

The blonde nodded feeling optimistic.


Destiny couldn't remember the last time, she was so bitter. Her therapy was finished for now.

She was healthy and missing one of the things that made her complete.

Fortunately, she didn't take it as bad as Bella. She'd been holed up in her room and only did the bare minimum to live. School wasn't a thought in her head. She was just a living, breathing statute.

Destiny sighed punching the punching bag. Kyle Newton, Mike Newton's older brother offered to train her in boxer. It gave her something to do and kept her mind off her ex.

"Calm your punches. You're getting too angry and forgetting to guard your weak points."

"Yessir." She bounced back and forth.

"Now try again."

"Yessir." The punches began again.

The murdering got so bad in Seattle that they needed to get more officers patroling the streets. Forks offered all the help it could give. That's how she met this kid. He was 20 and had run away from home.

"Take a break, Destiny." He let the bag go and she sat on the ground. "You did good."

She hummed in lackluster agreement at his praise.

"You need to get over h-" he was cut off by a hard punch to the face. The boy hissed as his nose bled.

"Ow!" He growled after a moment.

She just turned nonchalantly. "Don't presume to know me or what I'm going through."

"Bitch." He muttered before walking off.

Destiny blinked away tears.

What was she thinking about?


But she wouldn't let it get her down. She would fight.

She sat with Charlie and Billy as they waiting for a bite.

"I heard the Cullens leaving hit you hard." Billy started before Charlie sent him a sign to cut the convo.

"It's unfortunate especially since one of them is a stupid, insignificant, piece of absolute crap, ingrated liar." She growled. Charlie sighed facepalming.

"I believe that I've crossed a line." Billy whispered before turning towards his pole and jerking up before reeling in a rather medium sized trout.

"Good job, Billy. That guy's been teasing my line for the longest."

"Good job, Billy." Destiny muttered before reeling in her line and surprising catching a huge rainbow trout. They all looked at it in shock as it flopped around almost breaking the pole.

"I'll get the cooler. Charlie don't let it get away." Billy stated rolling a short ways away to get the giant red cooler. Charlie watched it and they moved it into the cooler before throwing the down on top of it.

"That was an amazing catch." Charlie praised.

"I didn't even mean to." Destiny muttered blushing as her heart skipped a few beats.

'No not Charlie.' She thought to herself.

"That's what makes it so amazing." Billy added. Destiny nodded and Charlie wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She smiled and relaxed in his grip.


That night, the wolf came back as he did every night for the last few months and she walked outside.

"Wait!" It stopped looking at her. It showed that it wasn't violent as always by tilting his head. The wolf blew air into her outstretched hand before turning and running.

"Weirdo." Destiny snorted before walking away back into her house before she heard a long howl in the forest followed by many more.

"Wow." She slid her patio door open and walked in before closing it.

He was so pretty to her.

Destiny drunk her vodka waiting for something to happen in her life.

It was boring.

She missed Alice and her bubbly personality. She missed how Jasper would calm her when she was upset. She missed Carlisle's sweet nothings as he put her to sleep. Stalker doctor loved to jump in through her window. She laughed at the thought.

That afternoon, she got a call that made her life go from bad to worse.

"Billy's dead." Charlie said over the phone.

"Hahaha. Funny joke, Charlie, but that's a little dark." She said genuinely.

"I'm not joking. Billy Black is dead. He fell out of his wheelchair and... Jake has disappeared." Charlie hissed. Billy had followed Harry to the grave not even days after his death on the 16th. It was the 17th now.

"Stop lying to me!" She screamed pulling her hair as she sobbed.

"I'm not lying, Destiny. I'll be over in a bit." He hung up.

She screamed out throwing her lamp and her pillows. She tore her sheet off and threw every book from her bookshelf creating a crack in her bedroom window.

"WHY DO THEY ALL LEAVE ME!?" She sobbed falling to the ground.

Charlie came a few minutes later to help her clean and put her to bed.

"Charlie-" Destiny's mind with blank with a mix of alcohol and the kiss.

"You're not dating anyone. I can't bare to watch him hurt you without even being her."

"C-Charlie." Destiny sucked in a deep breath before grabbing the other full bottle of vodka. "You're very thirsty." She joked but frowned when he didn't laugh back.

"If we do, then I don't want to remember it. It will hurt me more." She added

Charlie looked hurt but took a huge gulp anyways. They stared at each other before Charlie caressed her face.

"W-Wait. Wait. Wait. Don't do that. No." She pulled his hand away.


She sucked in a breath "He would do that. It brings back memories and I don't want to think about him with you."

"Then... Don't think." He whispered and kissed her deeply.

She succame to the kiss but everything felt wrong.

Was it Carlisle? Or maybe it was Charlie?

It just didn't feel right.

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