7. (BD)

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Carlisle punched Jacob as he went for a front assult. The brown wolf let out a yelp and a growl. Seth let out a high pitched whine nipping at Carlisle's shirt.

When Jake tackled Carlisle and pinned him down snapping his canines at him, Leah snapped at Jacob's side as Carlisle just barely held him off by his jaw.

Jasper ran outside surveying the scene.

"Jacob, your shift broke Bella's spine. She's giving birth." Jasper said watched the alpha wolf back away in surprise. He shifted and ran inside immediately.

"Carlisle, while you were picking a fight, your wife's water broke. Go see her." Jasper snapped toward him. The blonde vampire nodded.

"Emmett" The vampire looked down jumping from the trees. "Go help." Jasper commanded.

"But Sam-"

"I'll deal with him for the moment. Get back as soon as you can." He said in a no nonsense voice. Emmett nodded before speeding off following Destiny's scent.

"Let's go, Seth and Leah." He said running towards where the wolves would appear.

Leah paused feeling a strong pull before getting nipped by Seth.

Destiny groaned as the contractions came every minute. Each one stronger than the last. The door opened.

"Jasper?" She asked.

"No, it's me." Carlisle said with a warm grin

"Carlisl- Oh my god!" She screamed in agony.

"Breathe, Sweetheart." He kissed her forhead.

"Carlisle, He's coming so quickly." Destiny gasped feeling the contractions wash over her like waves of fire.

"What can I do to help?" Emmett asked.

"Catch him." Carlisle stated. "I'll be helping her breathe."

"Carlisle." Emmett called out "Are you sure you want me down here?"

"This is not the time to question my jealousy!"

Destiny giggled at that "I'll protect you, Emmett."

"Thanks, mom." He muttered bashfully. Destiny blushed and smiled.

After an hour, Rosalie came in with a bundle as Destiny was breathing.

"It's Renesmee." She said bending down to show them the adorable baby girl in the blanket.

"Oh, she's so beautiful like her mother." Destiny gasped as another contraction hit.

"Push, Destiny." Carlisle commanded. She gasped closing her eyes as she listened to her husband count to 10.

"Ok. Rest." She panted wiping the sweat from her head.

"He's almost out." Emmett said softly.

Rosalie looked down, "He's a big baby. Like Emmett."

"Shut up, Rosalie."

"Guys!" Destiny hissed pushing instinctively as her contraction hit.

"Oh god." Rosalie said in shock looking downwards.

"I'm sorry for ever doubting you, little guy." Emmett whispered holding the baby that fell into his arms as he wiped his tears on his shoulders.

"I'll go get scissors." Rosalie said going into the next room.

"He's so quiet? Shouldn't they be crying?" Emmett questioned in concern listening to the baby's irregular heartbeat.

The baby coughed in reply whining.

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