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Destiny whistled waiting for Carlisle to come back with the CT scans. It had been 4 months since she began her treatment.

Charlie had informed her that Bella's birthday was tomorrow. Tuesday.

"I hope you haven't been waiting long." Destiny rolled her eyes.

"You should know better than to keep a woman waiting, Dr. Cullen." He chuckled and turned on the observation light before putting the pictures up.

"As you can see- It's almost gone." She interrupted looking at it.

"Correct the tumor is almost gone."

"Oh wow. Carlisle..." She whispered as a tear fell down her cheek.

"Are you happy?" He asks. She punches him in the side.

"Of course. I can finally relax without thinking I'm gonna die in my sleep."

"There's always a chance of reappearance. That is why once it completely disappears, we will do immunotherapy to protect you from the cancer spreading."


"Now. Can I ask the pretty woman on a date this saturday?"

"No. Me, Charlie, and Billy are fishing. I told you that, Pretty man." She poked his chest. They hummed at the same time in contentment.

"I have to go. Charlie want- Oh!" Destiny yelped out as he pulled her back.

"Stop talking about him for a moment." He murmured into her neck.


"Mhm..." His lips made his shiver. It was sexy when a guy admitted to weakness.

At least for Destiny.

"Carliiiilse." She whined attempting to break free from his grip.


"Carrrrllll." She droned out similar to Paul on Llamas with hats.

"Not even that will make me let you go." She knew he hated being called Carl. It was time to use the trump card.

"Carlisle, I'll tell Esme"

"..." He huffed before relunctantly letting her go.

"Thanks, Love you, Pouty butt." She kissed him. He kissed back enjoying her soft, warm lips.

"Hate that nickname." He stated.

Destiny turned and winked "I know. Love you."

"And I, you." He whispered as his door closed. He sighed, "She's so beautiful."

"Officer Harpool. Any news on the suspicious murders in Seattle?" Her desk partner asked closing his computer.

"No. I can only hope that it doesn't come here."

"Well, you and Swan are going to patrol?"


"Let's go." Charlie said tapping her shoulder.


The rode out into the open streets. Destiny adjusted her buckle.

"So you and Carlisle?"

"Yep." She grinned brightly biting her lip shyly.

"... You sure he isn't married?"

"Watch it, I got a taser." He put his hands up in playful surrender.

"I just don't see it. Maybe, I need a female's eye."

"You do. Thanks for understanding."

"What kind of friend would I be? Besides if he makes you cry, I can track him to the ends of the earth."

"Awwwe, you're gonna put a APB out on the poor man for my female hormones. What about if I cry at my wedding?"

"Woah! Thinking that far ahead?!" He teased.

She blushed "Just answer the question, Mustache."

"I would walk down the isle and sucker punch him before sitting back down."

"Charlie!" She giggled leaning her head on her seat belt. "You're gonna get teamed by his sons."

"I'm a cop. I have a gun."

"Those are my children, too, Dickwad." She punched him lightly making his cheek squish underneath her knuckles.

"Yes, Yes. Of course, Mrs. Cullen. No punching the driver, it's unsafe."

"Your amount of sass is unsafe today." Destiny retorted blowing a bubble of gum. Charlie popped it without taking his eyes off the road.

"You were saying?"

"Fuck you."

"I would but you have a boyfriend."

"Charlie!" She gasped blushing, "Too far."

"Easy. Easy. It was a joke." He laughed.

"That's what they all say." They continued their patrol in a serious mindset. Destiny ignoring him the entire time in thought.

"Nothing to report, Sir." The reported in before clocking out.

"You still mad about my joke."

"I'm mad because you think I'm dumb enough to believe it was a joke." She said remembering Charlie's infatuation with her. His interrogation before Bella's kidnapping told her as much.

"I'm sorry. It was out of place. I was wrong." He whispered.

"And I'm sorry for ignoring you for the car ride. See you on Saturday."

"I'm just glad that you don't cut me off to spend all your time with Carlisle."

"Nah, no man interferes with my life like that. It puts you in a position to be manipulated."

"Sounds like you speak from experience." She looked over her shoulder at him before rolling her eyes.

"You could say that. Annoying ex."

"Do I know him?"

"No, Charlie. Stop trying to hunt my ex's." She giggled getting into her BMW. She waved before backing out of her parking lot and speeding down the hallways. The sun was gone and the moon had taken it's place.

She parked and walked into her house to scream and pull her gun.

"Wait! It's me, Alice!" The pixie haired girl turned on the light.

Destiny sighed putting her gun down "Fuck, Alice..."

"Sorry." She smiled sheepishly. "I needed help for Bella's birthday party, Tomorrow."

"Sure. Like a cake?"

"Ohhh! Can you make one?"

"Yea. I'm need devil food cake mix, sour cream, and pudding mix."

"Sour cream... Pudding?"

"Don't ask. It's for texture purposes."

"Fine. I'll bring them in the morning."

"K, I'm going to sleep. Tell Carlisle, I love him." The blonde flopped into her bed. Alice smiled before turning out the lights.

"Sweet dreams." She slid out the window before closing it.

"Ugh. Alice, now it's cold." Destiny got up and turned down the air conditioning. She looked out the patio door to see a large dog-like shadow in the moonlight. It turned toward her and a pink tongue licked it's snout.

"Awwwe." Destiny muttered sleepily "A puppy."

The 'puppy' curled up near the treeline and began relaxing. Destiny fell asleep against the glass and went she woke up.

It was gone.

Her Final High [C.Cullen]Where stories live. Discover now