2. (BD)

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"Yep." She pounced down on her and the human squealed

"Alice! Stop appearing from nowhere."

"Nope. Carlisle wanted me to get you out of the room."

"Why?" Destiny questioned instantly.

"Shh, Come with me." Alice chirped.

5 minutes of walking and they arrived at the cliffside. The black wolf waited there growling toward Alice.

"Carlisle has given you permission." And with those words the wolf jumped over the revene licking his chaps. Destiny walked towards her and he blew hot air into her hand again.

"Sam?" Jacob watched from the trees.

The black wolf growled at him before turning back to Destiny. He shook before shrinking back into a human.

"I don't understand. Why a human would desire a vampire is beyond me."

"Maybe you just need a human eye. It's something others don't have. Beautifully deadly."

"Why do you love Carlisle? Bella isn't very open minded to ask this. The Swan girl is quite infatuated."

Destiny smiled "Well you could say that I'm Carlisle's vampire imprint of sorts." Sam tenses a bit. "I love him because he saved me from destroying my life. Just by simply being there. He had something that no human could have."

"I think I understand." Sam paced a bit, "A mix of trill and a feeling of having to repay him."

"Not just that, he's quite charming. If he were human, he'd be a woman's dream mate." Jacob snorted.

"Why are we talking about these leech lovers?" Leah asked coming from behind Jacob.

"Don't. Don't hate the leeches. Leeches benefit the environment or they wouldn't have been created." Destiny stated. Leah rolled her eyes.

"It's like you wolves were created to keep the tribe safe and keep the vampire population stable."

"She makes a point, Leah." Jake muttered.

"Vampire are natural predators of humans. Humans can fuck up the environment in large numbers. It's just nature's way of saying that we're getting out of hand."

Sam had to agree with her. Her explaination had shown the creatures in a new light for him. "Thank you for speaking with me."

"No problem, Sam. It's nice to finally see you, one on one."

"Of course." He jumped back across grabbing the cliff and climbing up before running off with Jacob and Leah.

Their paws shook the ground as Destiny watched Alice curiously.

Alice led her back and smiled "I liked your explanation of vampires better than what I've seen and been taught."

"Thanks, Alice."

11 days pass within the blink of an eyes.

Destiny stayed home in anticipation of her period that was planned to start in less than 24 hours. Carlisle brung her food while she slept. Everyday she would wake up to a dark chocolate bar on her nightstand. Absolute husband goals.

Destiny groaned getting up and deciding to go grocery shopping.

She walked into the store as passed by an adorable baby in the isle. Her bright blue eyes gleamed with curiousity as she looked up at the new comer.

"Omg, how old is she."

"6 months." Destiny awed cooing at her. The baby laughed almost dropping her pacifer.

Her Final High [C.Cullen]Where stories live. Discover now