Hisayo thought for a moment. Was she really going to take the Hokage’s offer? She was indeed finding it difficult with Team Jiro and the constant air of awkwardness that surrounded everyone. She ended her thoughts there and began to speak.

“Lord Hokage, I wish to remain with Team Jiro. I must admit that it has been difficult, but that’s because I haven‘t been trying. I-I‘m not…” Hisayo swallowed and kept herself open. “I‘m not very social and…it‘s difficult to talk to others. I haven‘t…” Hisayo gritted her teeth. She was having to force her words yet again. The Hokage waited for her to continue. He did know how hard it was for her. He had taken notice from the start how unsocial she was when he first met her and Akio.

“I haven’t been fair to them and…if I continue not to try…if I continue as I have, then…I will be no different than the people from where I grew up were…” Hisayo’s memories of her childhood flooded her mind. No, she thought. She wouldn’t become like that. If she was going to bring about that change that Akio had wished, then she would be different.

“..and I will also be no different than the villagers are here towards Naruto.” There, she did it. She held herself together long enough to express what she felt. Akio would be very proud of her performance if he was there with her. He’d be very surprised, but all the same proud.

The Hokage smiled at her determination to be different. The young woman before him did indeed have a strong will. He saw the potential she carried that could one day help change this village’s view of Naruto. Naruto carried that same spark as well. He saw a change in Naruto ever since the boy first met Hisayo. Yes, those two would definitely bring on a change in their era.

“Very well then. If that is your decision, then I will have you assigned to the team for the rest of the year. After the year is out, I will move you up to the Chunin teams.” The Hokage took out her file and made the changes.

“Thank you Lord Hokage.” Hisayo began to leave the room to make her way to the mission counter to wait for her team.

“Hisayo.” She stopped before walking through the door and looked to the Hokage.

“I know you will do great things for this village. I will be looking forward to seeing you grow.” Sarutobi puffed on his pipe and smiled. Hisayo stood in the doorway a moment longer before leaving.

Hisayo looked up to the clear sky for a moment before continuing on with her team. Yes, this choice would have it’s good points and bad points, and her socializing skills would be one of the troubles she would continue to face, but if she made an effort, if she gave it a chance, then she would see a change. A change just like the one she made here. A ghost she would be no more, at least to her team anyways.


The copy ninja was leisurely walking down the street with his book in hand. He had decided to make a trip to buy groceries after he discovered that he only had half a jar of pickles and a partially molded wedge of cheese in his frig at home. It wasn’t that he waited until he had nothing left to eat, it was just difficult to shop for food when he was always sent out on missions. Missions that would sometimes be more than a month long. In fact it had been a week since his return from a particularly long one.

“Kakashi! I have found you at last!” A man wearing a green spandex body suit and bowl cut hair appeared in front of the silver-haired Jounin.

“Oh. Hey Guy.” Kakashi continued walking with his nose in his book completely unaffected by Guy‘s sudden appearance.

Guy blocked Kakashi path again. “It has been so long since our last match! So whadda ya say Kakashi? I’ll even give you the choice of competition this time!” Guy shot out his trademark, toothpaste smile and thumbs up.

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