After a few more minutes, Naruto began grinning and jumped from his swing and out from under her hand.  He then dug furiously into his pockets until he found the handkerchief Hisayo had left with him.

“Here, I made sure not to lose it.” Naruto held it out for Hisayo to take, but she shook her head.

“You keep it…in case you ever need it.” Hisayo stood from her swing and slowly began walking away.

“Hey wait! Will you come and swing with me again tomorrow?” Naruto asked before Hisayo could disappear.

“Sure.” Hisayo agreed after a few moments. She then poofed away, leaving the now happy boy behind.


It was dark by the time Hisayo made it back to the apartment. She smelled food upon entering and sat herself down on the table. Akio was all cleaned up from before and was making some fried rice and chicken for their dinner.

“Where did you disappear off to so suddenly? And in the middle of our discussion too!” Akio teased with a laugh as he continued to flip the food expertly around in the wok.

“I just needed to check something out.” Hisayo said as she played with a pair of chopsticks that sat in front of her.

“Hmm…it wouldn’t have anything to do with what I said earlier would it?” Akio grabbed two plates and served the completed dish on them.

“Perhaps.” Hisayo took the plate Akio handed her and began eating.

“Was it about the boy?” Akio tried to get Hisayo to confirm his earlier suspicions.

Hisayo sat eating quietly before she spoke “You help teach his class right?”

“Yes. At least until they need me elsewhere. Why?” He asked, wondering where this was going.

“Keep an eye on him for me. Will you?”

“Huh? Why?”

“Just don’t…don’t let him get picked on by anyone.” Hisayo quickly finished eating and went to wash her plate and chopsticks.

“It sounds like you‘ve made a friend Hisayo.” Akio smiled deeply.

“N-no that’s not it at all. It‘s just…” Hisayo hadn’t expected for Akio’s assumption to cause hesitation on her part.

“I’m glad that you have found someone to relate to.” Akio voice praised with deep warmth.

Hisayo looked up. Is that why she felt what she did towards the child—because she was able to relate to him?

‘Yes, that must be why’ she thought as she put the dishes up to dry.

“I don’t know what caused this village to turn away from him, but I guess maybe that is why I feel this way. I understand what it is to feel hated and unwanted. I know how it is to wish for acceptance.” Hisayo walked to her room and lightly closed the door.

Akio closed his eyes and thought deeply. Coming here had definitely been a good choice. He was happy to see what a few days were doing for her. Between his advice, the Hokage’s impression on her, and now this child, she had started to crack at the barrier. It wasn’t a big crack, but it was a start. She was making an effort. That’s all that had mattered to him. Akio finished cleaning up and decided to retire for the evening.


Nearly a week had gone by since Hisayo’s encounter with Naruto and being assigned to Team Jiro. The opinions of her from Team Jiro had remained the same, but she continued to not care. After her missions with the team, when the sun began to set on the horizon, she would go to the park and swing with Naruto. It wasn’t really swinging though. It was more of just sitting in the swing to watch the sun set. Naruto’s mood was always lifted when she would show every time. He was happy that she would spend time with him and not leave him alone like everyone else did.

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