Chapter 26

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        ||Adriana's POV||

"Come on Joaquín! Walk faster." I chirp behind me.

"Ugh do I have to go!?" He shouts.

"Yes, checkups are very important." I tell him as he skips up next to me.

As I continue walking, "Manhattans Health Aid" comes into view.

After I check us in, the nurse tells us to have a seat.

"I hate getting my teeth touched by them people in white coats." Joaquín wines in my ear.

"That's the dentist, we're at the doctors office, but thanks for reminding me to make your dentist appointment soon." I grin as he melts into his chair in disappointment.

"Adriana and Joaquín." The nurse calls us into the back.


"See that wasn't too bad now was it?" I say while sticking my paperwork into my purse.

"It was horrible until she gave me a lollipop." He smiled and stepped onto the bus.

Hi I put five dollars into the machine and went to take a seat next to Joaquín.

"Joaquín! What are you doing here!?" Lucas runs over to me and Joaquín.

"Its a public bus dude!" Joaquín sarcastically says.

"I know that man but where you coming from?" Lucas nudges Joaquín's shoulder playfully.

"I just came from the doctors office." Joaquín answers.

"You should come to my place today to play some video games! Its been a while."

"Sounds good to me." I basically answer for Joaquín.

"Great! Let me ask my mom." Lucas says.

The bus comes to a stop and all four of us step off and walk over to our building.

"Its fine with me if Joaquín would like to come over for a little while." Mrs.Smith lets me know.

I nod and watch as both of the boys run up the stairs. Me and Mrs.Smith just playfully roll our eyes before going our separate ways.

I sat down on the couch and stared at the Tv screen, not exactly watching the show that was on but just seeing motion pictures.

As I sat there and thought, I really didn't have any friends. The only friends I really had were Gabby and María but I haven't spoken to them in months.

I reach into my purse to grab my phone. I scroll down to Gabby's contact and press call.

After continuous ringing, her voicemail comes on.

"Yerrr it's ya girl Gabby, I cant get to you right now to leave me a quick message after the-" I hung up in hopes of her calling me back later.

I go to the contact right below hers and hit call.

Within two rings, Gabe picked up.

"Hey babe, wassup?" He spoke into the speaker.

"Nothing, bored out of my mind." I shrug even though she cant see it.

"Same, Im waiting in this doctors office, can I stop by when I get done here?"

"Of course you can and seriously? Me and Joaquín just left from there not too long ago." I laugh at the coincidence.

"Wowww and I just got here about five minutes ago since today was my day off I decided to get some other things taken care of, you know?"

"I feel you." I say, playing with the tips of my fingernails

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