The Beer Keg

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I made up the college name and Phoenix game that her dad was watching cause I'm lazy. Trigger warning*

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Chapter 42

The atmosphere was laid back, nothing too wild going on at the house party I was at. It was just before ten and people were more interested in their drinks rather than anything else, the party seeming more of a stress release with all the cheap free beer going round and daunting reality of final exams and graduation looming bye.

I sat on the comfy couch nursing my own red cup of beer, squeezed between Amelia and another girl, Jen. She's a nice and polite girl, she's a lot like Amelia personality wise when it comes to smart remarks. Ashton and Luke with another boy whose name I can't remember are too concentrated in their conversation to care whether they were sitting or standing.

It felt weird attending a party, I haven't been to one since before I moved here. A party my old friends threw just for me to say goodbye and a welcomed distracting from the fact that my mother just died. I used go to heavy drinking parties every weekend, sometimes twice a week depending on the time of year. This is the first one I'd been too in a long time, the first one I'd been to with these people, with this school. I didn't make that much of an effort picking my clothes either, a white bandeau long sleeve tucked into my pale blue jeans.

"What college are you looking to get into Kodaline?" Jen asked from beside mr, taking a sip from her own cup.

"I've applied for both Seattle and Atlanta, either one is good, I guess it's up to fate now." I softly laugh as she does. I didn't really want to be thinking about collage and possibly moving away right now, but I asked her the same, she's hoping to get into the university of Albuquerque, according to her, they have an impressive engineering class.

"I'll be lucky if I even get into community college here." Amelia piped up from the other side of me.

"What about Phoenix state collage?" Jen asked peering over me.

Amelia slumps against the couch, resting her elbow on the arm rest, "I applied there too but I'm not feeling good about my application."

Before I could comment further, a loud round of cheering coursed through almost the whole house. Right in the hall way was a group of football players gathered, we could tell from the back view of their varsity jackets. More cheering coursed through as we saw someone lift a funnel with a tube duct taped to it and another tearing open a pack of beer.

I was about to turn away from the pack, back to Amelia, but when one of the footballers moved directly out of my line of sight, I had to take a double take to make sure I was seeing who was actually drinking from the other end of the tube.


She stood, still in her cheerleading outfit, holding the large tube to her mouth, as two of them poured cans of beer into the funnel, not stopping till they've finished the whole pack. When she pulled back from the tube, gasping from the last slurp, another huge round of cheers came. A huge grin spread across her face as a boy wrapped his jacket over her shoulders. I didn't even know she's was here.

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