The Town

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Chapter Three

I started walking further down the street, a couple of blocks before I got more into where everything is. I walked along the street, looking at each shop.

I came across a large park, and I had learned that the school was further down town, as well as a library. I kept walking and looking, but I stopped in front of one place in particular. It was painted black, the doors were glass that had band posters on them. My eyes drifted to the sign at the top; Recordings ~ decades of musics.

It was a music store. Much like everyone else I loved music. Back in Churches Gail, where I used to work they would always play music and I would find myself in trouble from my boss for singing or bobbing to the beat.

Without another thought I pushed open the door, a bell going off as I did so. The place was dimly lit, but the natural light coming through the windows gave it light. Shelves of cd's were in rows in the middle of the place, up against the walls were floor to ceiling shelves of vinyls and records and in the left hand corner was a huge stack of cassette tapes. More band posters hung on the walls and windows. I had been too busy looking around the place that I hadn't noticed that nobody was in here, not even a worker. The sign on the door said it was open?

"Oh sorry," I was knocked out of thought as I noticed a woman, roughly in her mid-forties, though she could pull off a younger look, she wore a black t-shirt that read 'Recordings' across it in white, much like the sign out front, a brown leather jacket over the top and her long brown hair to her waist. She smiled widely at me from behind the counter, that was at the back of the store, "can I help you with something?" She asked setting down a small stack of cd's.

"Uh, no. Well, I was just looking around I noticed your store so I decided to check it out." Sheepishly I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh sure Hun, browse all you want," she gestured sound the place and smiled, she went back to sorting something at the counter while I 'browsed'.

The records and vinyls had intrigued me, the shelves contained a lot of vintage works.

"If you don't mind me asking Hun, but you look like some one who used to live here," I turned to the women at the counter, "oh, you might have known my dad then, Chris James."

Her face held surprise and astonishment, "oh my god! I went to school with your father, I was only a couple years below him but I knew him. He used to work at the mechanics place with his friend Des. He ended up marrying...ah, what's her name, oh yes Katherine McKenz didn't he, is that your mother?"

I nodded and smiled, her enthusiasm contagious, the mention of my mother somewhat brought me down a bit. For the last two to three hours I haven't had a single thought about her, but I had many non stop thoughts and memories running through my head before we got here.

"Wow. Small world huh? Well it is a small town here anyway. Is your family visiting?"

"Actually were moving back. My dad wanted a change of scenery..." I let my words linger, I wasn't going to tell the real reason.

"That's great! I'm Michelle by the way," the women- Michelle- held out her hand for me to shake and I gladly did with a smile and my name.

"You wouldn't be hiring anyone right now, would you?" I would like to get a job, since I had to quit my other one to come here, I needed to safe up of college.

"Actually I really need some workers, I opened the store about a month ago and so far it's only me. And I still need to sort out the shelves and where everything goes. If your interested you can have a paid job here," she smiled, "when do you start school?"

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