The Memorabilia

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Wow guys I can't believe we've made this story to 100,000 views this is amazing omg, thank you guys so much I love you all!! One hell of a chapter x

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Chapter 21

She places down a steaming mug of tea, camille tea I think, and she sits down next to me at the dark brown table.

"Would you like me to call your dad? To let him know your here with me."

I shake my head, eyes caste down at the mug, "he's the last person I want to deal with right now." She places her hand on my arm, "I'm sorry that you found out the way you did, and I'm sorry that your father didn't..." She sighs, "support you."

"Everyone says their sorry, but if their sorry now then they shouldn't have done it in the first place," I say looking up at her.

She sighs once again. "I remember when we were in high school the four of us- Des and I, your mother and father. We were the definition of the eighties rat pack," she giggles, "Des and I had been dating for a while but Chris and her only started dating the year before our senior year. They were more loved up than puppies."

"The night of our senior prom Gemma was conceived and I found out a month later I was pregnant, me nor Des was able to go to college-- which was hard for the both of us. After graduation Chris asked your mother the big question and a year later they were married, although your mothers parents wasn't too fond on the situation. Gem was their flower girl and I was her bridesmaid. I envied how flawless she looked in white, I envied a lot about her. She had freedom, was able to start her college degree, she wasn't tied down by a child. Two years after that Harry had turned two year old and Gem was starting kindergarten, that was when we all found she was pregnant with you, she was very excited, she took so much time figuring out a name for you, she didn't want any name for you so she called you Kodaline. I still have no idea what it means." She giggles again. "She absolutely adored you, so did Harry, Harry couldn't keep his eyes of you when you were a new born, always asking your mother if he could hold you, sometimes when I would check up on him, he would kiss your forehead without anyone looking. As you grew older you and Harry couldn't be apart from one another, playing, drawing pictures, he was always gentle with you making sure not to be too rough. Hang on for a minute I think I have some photos."

Anne gets up from the table and disappears in the hallway. Anne envied my mother? Why, Anne is just as beautiful both body and soul.

She returns with a thick book, when she sets it down on the front in black italic: Styles' Family Album. She flips through a couple of pages, some photos I see of Gemma in her  younger years.

"Here it is," she cheers as she slides it out of its plastic cover, passing it to me.

I'm almost shocked when my eyes gaze upon the photo. I'm so young that I hardly remember the this, and Harry, my god Harry looks so happy, his hair much shorter. The fact that our lips have touched before sends déjà vu to tingle in my lips.

"Oh no," I hear Anne whisper, "I had another photo of you but it's not here," she sighs, "I'll have to find it later."

I glance back down at the photo of me and Harry, I have no recollection of any of this. Why can't I remember anything.

"She was scared when she found out she was pregnant with twins, she didn't know how she would be able to handle it. After they were born she was fine and healthy and happy, but gradually she seemed a bit off, sad. She wasn't able to cope with the three of you, she stayed at home while Chris worked with Des at the mechanics shop. But that wasn't enough to sustain the whole family, which lead to her secretly asking her parents for money. One day she asked your father to move away, that she needed something new. A week later they were gone with you, Holly and Jacob.

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