The Freezer Section

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Chapter Seven

It was silent as we ate our breakfast. Sitting on the stools of the kitchen bench; Holly swirling around the fruit loops in her bowl, watching the colour run into the milk, Jacob munching on his wheat brand cereal with a plain expression... and me, well I was watching the depressing scene.

"Good morning!" Dad came jogging down the stairs before poring himself a glass of juice, "how was-"

A knock at the door interrupted him. Putting down his glass he walked out to answer the door.

"Morning my lovelies!"

Aunt Gloria.

She came waltzing into the kitchen, sliding off her glasses. The smile that was on her face immediately slipped once her eyes landed on me, "Koda why aren't you dressed?"

"Why? It's Saturday morning," I furrowed my eyebrows. She sighed looking over at my dad with a displeased glare, "you forgot to tell her didn't you."

"Tell me what?"

"I'm sorry Koda, but you're aunt wanted you to help her with the upcoming fundraiser."

"I need you to come shopping with me to pick out decorations today, and to help out at the actual fundraiser," she stated.

"What about Luke and Amelia, aren't they doing it?"

"Thing is," she sat at one of the stools, placing her bag on the counter, "they are both behind in their studies, plus you're new in town so this will be a great way for you to get to know people. Unfortunately you're brother and sister declined to help me, so you're my only hope."

I smiled, "okay, I'll change."

Once I had finished changing into my black jeans and Nirvana shirt, auntie- or rather Gloria, as she preferred for us to call her had driven us to-- as what she described; "the biggest supermarket store you will ever see."

Along the ride she filled me in about the fundraiser, that's it's supporting a cause for a children's day care centre, which I'm surprised that they didn't already have here. She also told me when it is and what I'll have to do on the day. It will be held in a couple of weeks, at the town hall club centre.

"We're here," announcing once she parked the car. Shutting the car door my eyes trailed to the huge building. She was right, it really was the biggest supermarket I've seen, it looked like a huge warehouse with 'Grocery Store' painted in green letters, how original.

"Come on, let's go."

We walked through the automatic opening doors, aunt gloria grabbing a trolley and pushing it through the many isles. There was so much here, they must have every type of food and brand here, if not everything.

"Exactly what are we looking for?" I ask following behind Gloria. "I need balloons, streamers, tinsel and ribbon. Provably in blue, pink and white."

"Will silver tinsel do?" Looking at her with a packet of silver tinsel in my hand. I dropped it in the trolley after she finally nodded.

After countless going back and forth down the aisle we made it to the check out line. Just as the check out clerk was scanning half the stuff, Gloria turned to me, "can you please go back and pick out some Ben and Jerry's ice cream for me please?"

"What do you need ice cream for?"

"Its not for the fundraiser, it's for me," she cheekily smiled, "but don't tell you're uncle Jace otherwise he'll get upset that I didn't share."

I smiled, nonetheless quickly walking to the end of the store where the huge freezers were aligned. My eyes scanned through the clear glass right until I found the numerous rows of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

I had no idea what flavour Gloria wanted so I open the freezer door, grabbing the first flavour I see: Strawberry. I'm not sure if she will like this flavour. I stand on my toes to get a a better look at the higher rows, I see cookies and cream flavour, I reach up, just about to grab it.

"Do you need help?"

I jump and gasp, I turn, Harry is standing there in his navy jumpsuit and blank expression... as per usual.

"Did I scare you?"

Still clutching my fast beating heart from the slight scare, I replied, "a little, yeah."

"Sorry." Was all he said before he continued to silently stare, only had I realised that I still held the container of strawberry ice cream when my fingers become numb and the fact that I'm standing in an open freezer with cool air hitting my back. I quickly averted my eyes away from his and put back the ice cream back in the freezer. Hearing footsteps I turned seeing his figure stalking towards me, he stops, our bodies were barely touching, though I wasn't expecting such a close proximity. The top of my head roughly meets his lips, almost perfect for him to kiss me on my forehead, if he were too. His crinkled jumpsuit smelt of rusted metal and oil, and of a strong men's deodorant. It was a unique yet calming scent. His arm reached up to the top row grabbing the large container of cookies and cream ice cream with ease.

With out speaking a word he handed the container to me. "Thank you," I muttered, waiting for him to say something back... but nothing, he just looked down at me. I ducked under his arm that held the freezer door walking away.

"You like Nirvana?"

I whip around to look at him, the freezer door now closed, "pardon?"

"You're wearing a Nirvana shirt," he pointed, stating the obvious, "do you like Nirvana?"

His casual small talk surprising me, from what I knew about Harry, even though I had barely known him, is that he only says what needs to be said, he doesn't hold a conversation when it's not necessary. Especially since the fact is that we were apparently best friends and I had no idea or recollection of him as a child, that is until I found out last night and I could also tell he didn't like me for that. Why all of a sudden? "Yeah, I like old music. And the vintage stuff."

He nodded, "me too."

My now numb fingers taped against the tube of ice cream. I sighed, "um, well thank for this again," I gestured to the ice cream.

"No problem."

I turned, walking down the scuffed floor tiles, though I felt him starring.

"What took you so long?" Gloria asked still waiting for everything to be scanned. "I ran into someone," was all I said putting down the ice cream.

"Cookies and cream, good choice," she smiled. "Anyway I ran into someone too."

It was only until I had looked up and saw the familiar woman standing next to our shopping cart with her own basket on her arm, "hello again Koda." Anne smiled, I smiled back with a wave. "I'm so glad I ran into you actually, I wanted to ask you a favour?"

I nodded for her to continue, "you're father told me that were a huge fan of books and that you enjoy reading, and we've just got new shelves put in our home library so we have to arrange our books back in order. So I was hoping you could help us? It would give us time to catch up, your siblings can come if they want."

"Sure, what time?" I smiled.

"I'll let you know when a suitable time will fit."

I nodded, "yeah that's fine," she smiled at me widely once more.

"Mom, I got that dishwashing stuff you like with the duck on it," his voice still monotone, he dropped the bottle of dish washing liquid into the basket. His eyes set on me when he realised that me and Gloria were here in front of him.

"Don't be rude Harry, say hello to Koda and Gloria," Anne scolded. He visibly swallowed before greeting me, "hello Kodaline, hello mrs Hemmings."

"Harry, you've known me for how long and you still call me by my married name, it's Gloria to you," both her and Anne giggle, Harry stands tall and emotionless. I knew he could feel my stare for he looked to me in the corner of his eye then quickly looked away.

A/N. Thoughts? Predictions?
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