The Mother's Very Own

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Chapter 34

I try my hardest to keep the tears that dare leak down from my face. Though it's hard when I go through everything in head that I could have done, buts it's only what my dad had said to him before. I believe that Harrys tough exterior has finally broken from his harsh words and unnecessary outbursts in all hope of trying to help me. I find myself annoyed and upset more than ever and I'm not sure how I can take it now.

When I get to the four walls of my bedroom, I silently sob, not sure what else to do with myself.

After a good five minute of crying, I try wipe my reddened eyes but the tears keep coming on their own. Seeing my bag from the cabin is still packed with my clothes I open it and throw most of the contents in my dirty hamper. Upon closer inspection I see a pack of cigarettes stuffed in the side. His cigarettes. Opening them, there's only four gone, the instant scent reminds me of how his fingers and hands smell most of the time.

Throwing them on my bed I decide I can't be here either, I can't be in a messed up house with messed up emotions right now.

I see dad walking past the living room as I'm fast down the stairs, trying my best to ignore eye contact.

"Kodaline, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I mumble, "I'm going to Aunt Gloria's."

"You've been crying, did he hurt you?"

I stop in my tracks, rolling my eyes too hard in the back of my head that it annoys me. "You know what he did. He dumped me."

His face softens, "Kodal--"

"No don't! Don't be all sympathetic now, you wanted this all along!"

"Kodaline, he's done things in the past."

"Like what?"

He sighs closing his eyes for a brief second, "it's not for me to say--"

"Are you kidding me right now. 'It's not for you to say' then you shouldn't have said anything at all."

He doesn't say anything and neither do I as I walk out the front door.

* * *

'I'm beginning to run out of people to blame and be angry with. I could easily point the finger at anyone in my family, "if they didn't do this and if they didn't do that" maybe, but I would also have to reflect on my own actions and reactions, in which can alter and change further decisions and behaviours. I'm for sure no scientist when it come to the law of attraction or whatever theories there may be, however as an adult I would have to take part in some blame in actions rather than go off on a tangent or act childish, I'd have to grow up and accept some actions'

"Whatcha writing?" Gloria comes into the kitchen with a basket full of clothes, placing on the table ready to fold.

"Just a bit of a Drabble really."

"If you ever become a renowned author, will you please get Katharine Zita-Jones to play me?"

I half heartedly laugh, "who says I'm writing about our dysfunctional family."

"I'm only letting you know now in case," she holds up her arms in defence with a small smile, "just don't get Kevin Bacon to play your dad, he's too cute for that."

"I'm not writing about our family," I lie as I look up at her with my head in my palm.

"Whatever you say," she folds a red t-shirt, "though I do think you should get someone rugged like Henry Cavill to play Harry."

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