The Hurt

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Tigger warning: slight abuse

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Chapter 26

The first thing I do when I get home from work is run upstairs to put on a jumper, since the evenings in West Hills are getting colder.

I still haven't asked my dad if it was okay to have Harry over tonight for dinner, I think I've been a bit naive to how much this is just now dawning on me. My dad won't like me dating an older, tattooed boy, or the fact that I'm dating, but I don't see why I'm freaking out over this as much as I am, Harry is basically family, so I don't see why dad should have a problem.

Dads in the living room, reading a newspaper. Pulling the sleeves of my jumper over my knuckles I sit next to him, "hey dad..."

He turns his attention away from the paper, I think he's shocked that I've come to talk to him because I haven't talked to him properly in a while.

"I hope it's okay, that I invited Harry over for dinner tonight." I speak fast, keeping my eyes on the carpet before looking to him to see his reaction. He gives a small smile, "yes of course it is, Harrys always welcome. What's the occasion?"

"Oh no reason, just uh... Harrys doing really well with his tutoring."

"Ok well, I'll look forward to it." He smiles.

* * *

When the door bell rings, I race down the stairs. My dad and Jacob are in the kitchen thankfully and Holly is upstairs. I open the door and Harry is standing there, in black jeans, boots and a green came shirt. My eyes adjust a little, I'm not used to such a colour on him.

He smiles as I pull him inside, he kisses me on the cheek making me smile, he looks down the hall seeing that it's clear he leans down, hand cupping the back of my neck and pecks me of the lips.

He pulls back with furrowed brows, "your tense," I don't say anything, I don't get the chance to when he speaks again. "Are you nervous about telling your dad about us?"

Rubbing my lips together I nod.

His thumb rubs along my cheek, "it's going to be fine baby, okay."


I immediately jump away when I hear my dads voice, paranoid that he's just seen the affection Harry just gave me. But instead dad smiles walking towards us, "I haven't seen you in a while, been busy at the shop?"

Harry chuckles small, "yeah, that and other stuff."

"That's good to hear, I think dinners ready, shall we?"

* * *

I hardly touched my food the whole half hour of dinner. Harry sat to the left of me, holding my hand under the table to calm me. Holly and Jacob on the other side and dad at the head of the table which was to my right.

Dad had been pestering Harry with questions all night neither me or my sibling hadn't said much. Though I can't say that I'm not thankful Harry is here.

"You know I was surprised Kodaline had told me she invited you over, she felt a little awkward with you at first." He chuckles.

"Ah yeah um," Harry quickly glances over at me then back at my dad, "there's a reason why she did that actually."

By now I've put my fork down and both hands are laid out on the table to brace myself.  My mind has blocked out everything else except when Harry speaks the words.

Aesthetically Vintage |Punk!H.S|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang