The Breeze

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Chapter 15

"Alright, now I can go through what you are to do for homework."

Everyone groans with the thought of more work to do. Although I don't mind doing homework for English Literature.

"I will give you each a subject to write about. It might be a thing, a person ect. With that thing that you have you have to write about it, you can write anything. A poem, a passage or a story. But keep in mind it is better to be looking at object when writing about, it makes it easier to describe when writing."

Sir, goes around to each table placing small pieces of paper on their desk. When he gets to my table he places the small piece of paper in front of me.


* * *

The train station is practically deserted except for a young man that is waiting for his train on the other side of the platform

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

The train station is practically deserted except for a young man that is waiting for his train on the other side of the platform.

I sit on the provided seat that is under shelter and is against the wall, with my pen and book in hand, having no idea what I am going to write.

A train comes riding by, creating a harsh breeze, that blows my makeshift ponytail in different directions.


My head turns. Harry is walking towards me with a tool box in his hand, "what are doing here?" He asks when he stands in front of me.

"I'm doing homework." He eyebrows furrow, "at a train station?"

I giggle "as weird as it sound yes I am. What are you doing here yourself?"

"I got called for a fix up," he holds up his tool box, "for this weeks lesson what do you think we'll be doing?"

I find myself surprised when he asks this, "um I'm not really sure, I'm sort of just going by what I'm doing at school."

"Hmm, okay, well I better get on with the job. I'll see you on tomorrow Kodaline."


When I can no longer see him, I think for a minute, then put my pen to paper.

When you find yourself sitting at a train station starring at the trains that go by, you'll never know when you'll ran into a. . . lovey and mysterious boy. . .

A/N. This was just another filler chapter but I realised that I hadn't updated a chapter since before Christmas so here y'all go :)

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Aesthetically Vintage |Punk!H.S|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora