The Family

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Chapter Four

The rest of the afternoon consisted of the four of us going back and forth, in and out of the house to grab our staff from the cars. Uncle Jace helped us with moving boxes into the house and said that our auntie and cousins would be dropping by soon.

I unwrapped another white plate and placing it into the top shelf of the kitchen. Jacob was putting away silverware while Holly was doing the cups and glasses, we stood around the counter doing our tasks. Dad and Jace came through the kitchen doorway, "wow, the kitchen looks great guys."

Jace took a seat on one of the counter stools where as dad stood leaning against it, "I need to talk to you three about school," he sighed, "I know it will be hard for you to get used to a new environment and would have to make new friends but I'm sure will make friends in no time."

Holly and Jacob said nothing, I looked to the side to glance at them. They both still had their heads down unwrapping cutlery. Glancing at my father who had a worried face expression on, he looked to me for help. I smiled and nodded for him to continue reassuring him it was okay, "you might have to buy new books and get uniforms--"

"Uniforms!" Holly exclaimed, "back at our old school we didn't have to wear uniforms," she basically screamed.

"Holly," I hissed. She snapped her head to me with a glare, and I glared back with a raise of my eyebrow. Holly groaned rolling her eyes but still continued the task at hand.

"And I--" a knocking at the door interrupted him again. He lightly jogged out of the kitchen to get the door. A minute or two later my screaming auntie came into the kitchen, "Oh my god! You kids have grown up so much!"

The three of us stopped what we were doing to greet her.

"Holly, you've grown out those pigtails you used to always wear... Jacob, oh my someone has been working out... and Kodaline my goodness," after hugging Jacob she grasped me by my shoulders to look at me more at arms length, "the last time I saw you you were only fifteen now your eighteen, your practically a women. Have you got a boyfriend yet?" She winked and I could only giggle.

"Gloria," Dad dragged out her name, "let's not give her any ideas now." My father never liked the idea of his little Kodaline bringing a boy home, even with my last boyfriend he hardly talked to the boy let alone gave him a smile.

"Oh hush now brother. You've borrowed my husband all day. Come on your cousins are in the living room."

We walked into the living room which was right next to the kitchen.

"Oh my god Kodaline!" Amelia, my cousin literally jumped at onto myself, embracing me in a tight hug. "Damn girl you look hot," I giggled, "your not so bad yourself." Gesturing to Amelia's now longer and blonder hair. Next to embrace me was my other cousin Luke, "what did you do to your lip?" Pointing to his lip ring Luke chuckled, "nothing bad about a bit of bling, cous."

All though Luke is only couple of hours older then Amelia, they are in the same year as me, and the two of them obviously share their blonde hair and shade of eyes. It was obvious that they got their looks from Jace. Where as my auntie and dad had brown hair and blue eyes, which was given to me and my siblings

"Have you got your stuff ready for school ready?" Amelia asked. That's right, I was going to start school on Monday, so that meant that we had the whole weekend to get our shit together.

Shaking my head no, she said, "we need to go shopping, like now!" Amelia stated, "come on let's go." Amelia pulled at my arm. "You too Luke," Amelia nodded to the direction of the door, Luke furrowed his eyebrows, "what? Why do I have to go?"

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