The Breaking Point

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Chapter 16

I glared at Jacob every time he wouldn't close his mouth when taking a spoonful of cereal into his mouth, practically shovelling mountains of the wheat circles in his mouth.

I cringe after getting another glimpse of mosh, I drop my spoon into my bowl, standing from the table and walk over to the sink, placing my bowl in there.

"Good morning kids!" Dad looked exceptionally happy today, he bounced with each step as he went to the fridge reaching for the orange juice.

"Morning dad," I greet with a smile, leaning against the sink.

"I've got great news," he says, Jacob turns his head away from his phone and Holly turns her head, "well, my business has officially opened, and I know we've been a bit tight on money lately but we won't be for long."

My dad is really good at fixing stuff, from fridges, kettles, microwaves, basically any house hold appliance. When we first moved here, he brought an old shop and turned it into his electronic shop.

I smile, "that's great dad, congratulations."

He softly smiles at me, then turns his head to the kitchen table, "Holly, Jacob what do you think?"

"I guess we're officially stuck here for good," Holly hisses, looking down at her food.

"Jacob?" Dad asks with the slightest hope. Jacob slowly looks away and back at his phone.

Why are they doing this to him?

Dad frowns, looking down, then looks up at me. I can only frown back at him.

He grabs his keys off the counter, "I'm going to work now, your sister will take you to school." Then he leaves.

I look over that the two, they still have their head hung low.

Growing annoyed, I swing my bag over my shoulder and my keys, "we're leaving." I don't wait for them, instead I walk outside by my car and wait till they come out.

We all get in, me driving, Holly in the passenger seat and Jacob in the back. Once we're all strapped in, I start the car. We're practically the only ones on the road so it was very quite, especially with the awkward tension in the car.

"You know you could be nicer to dad and give him a break, he's trying really hard, especially for you guys." I say trying to keep my annoyance at bay.

"He shouldn't even bother, we don't want to be here," Holly says.

"He made the decision for us, he cares about us and he cares about Mom, loves mom."

"No he doesn't," Holly snaps, "he doesn't care about us or what we think and he doesn't care about Mom, otherwise we wouldn't be here, he's running away from the problem! And you don't care about mom either, I bet you don't even miss her! Your too busy teaching the alphabet to a stupid mechanic who can't count!"

My foot slams down on the break. The car stops in the middle of the road, all three of us bounce back in our seat from the harsh impact.

"What the hell kod--"

"Get out."


"Get out of my car."

"Koda seriously--"

"I said get out!" I turn my head to the side looking her in the eye, my hands gripping the steering wheel tight. Craning my neck I glare at Jacob, "you too."

He furrows his eyebrows, "what the hell did I do?"

"The both of you, get the fuck out of my car!"

They look at each other, grabbing their bags, and scramble out of the car.

"What about after scho--"

I sped away, not caring that they have to walk, they can walk home for all I care.

I feel the tears fill my eyes, but I quickly blink them away.

I did care about mom, I loved her and I always will. I know that I haven't had the normal grieving process and I haven't really thought about her, but I've been distracted.

I miss her more than people think.

A/N. I know all of you are going to love the next chapter I swear! But I won't be able to update as much because I'm starting school again on Monday- thank god it's my last year.

please vote and comment, xoxo

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