"Are you sure you don't want my cloak?"

I sigh. "Draco I'm gone honestl-"

"But it's really cold and there's snow everywhere and you're wearing a dress and cloak and that's not nearly enough" he counters .

I giggle. "We're almost there I'm sure I can last another couple of minutes."

He shakes his head and removes his cloak placing it on me. I raise an eyebrow. He wasn't wrong but I'd never admit that to him. I was freezing.

We were currently going through diagon alley. Draco has forgotten to purchase Cissa a Christmas present and he knew she would have his head.

So he obviously needed to get one today before it was to late, some how I ended up being dragged into the scenario.

Pulling outside the most prestigious jewellers Draco enters and extends his hand to me and helps me in. It was a lot warmer inside.

I glance around the glass cabinets. "So what will you get her?"

He groans. "I don't know"

"How about this ruby necklace?"

"no she already had that father got it for a valentines gift".

"Sapphire ring with white diamonds surrounding it?"

He shook his head. "She made it perfectly clear she doesn't want sapphires"

I raise an eyebrow. "why?"

He cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. "In her second year of hogwarts, father had a girlfriend named sapphire." I giggled. "She now despises the name and the diamond"

"Now That's how you hold a grudge" he rubbed his eyes. I looked around and stopped at a heart shaped emerald necklace. It was exquisite.

"What about this?"

He walks over and glances on the cabinet. "It's perfect" he smiles.

The clerk came over when Draco rang the bell.

"Ah young master Malfoy what can I do for you".

He points to the chain. "I want the emerald necklace"

He nods and takes it out placing it carefully into the box. Before wrapping it. Draco proceeded to pay while I made my way over to he rings. They sparkled under the light.

I wondered if one day me and Draco would be shopping for rings? Would we even get married. Deep down I wanted all that with Draco. The epic first love that would last forever. Resulting in a perfect little family and life.

I sighed. The future was unclear not because of Draco but because of the dark lord. A war was coming and I was scared on of us wouldn't make it. I couldn't survive without Draco.

My train of thought was interrupted by Draco placing his hand on my shoulder smiling down at me. Ready to go love. I nodded.

"Yea I'm ready". I nod goodbye to the sales clerk and step out into the snowy street. "Did you get it wrapped"

He rolled his eyes. "Yes which he charged me extra for"

I laughed. "Oh how dare he"

"I know!" He huffs. "Just because I'm rich doesn't mean he can take advantage of me"

I stared at him. "Are you serious"

"Do I look like I'm joking"

"No but you look like a clown. Stop crying over wrapping paper" he stuck his tongue out at me. We continued walking down the cold street in silence.

"But I still can't believe he charged me extra" he huffs. I pick up a snow ball and fire it at his face. Before racing off downs the street.

"ROBINSON!". I burst out laughing but continued running. He raced behind me. I tripped causing both of use to fall to the floor . I was on top of his staring down.

"I'm covered in snow" he mutters out.

"It's snow not dirt"

"Thank you for that I wasn't aware"

I shrug just thought you should know. Do you want to hear the bright side"

He rolls his eyes. "Yes I suppose"

"Nobody will be able to tell if there's snow in your hair because it matches!"

His face heats up. "Well that wasn't very nice"

"I never said I was nice"

"Well I think I deserve a kiss after you being mean"

I stare at him. "Well maybe I don't want to give you one"

He raised an eyebrow. "Really?"


"Really Really"

"Yes" I cross my arms. He pulls my head closer.

"Really?" I pause before placing my lips on his. I pull away from the brief kiss.

"No" I whisper out.

He smiles and before I knew it snow was slapped into my face. I froze up. Draco stands up and races off. My face heats up he's dead.

"JUST WAIT TIL I GET MY HAND ON YPI MALFOY! YOUR DEAD!" I scream before racing off in his direction.

Word count: 1323

Did you ever get the massive urge to punch someone. In the face.


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