-1.8 to the depths of hell

Start from the beginning

"What were you saying about climbing?"


The strange world came to Cassie in her dreams. She had fallen asleep on the top of the elevator, using the jacket she had in her backpack as a blanket and her backpack as her pillow. She didn't realize she was even asleep until she was pulled back into the strange world that wasn't her own. Instead of seeing the bodies like last time, there was simply a man. Cassie laid sat at his feet, crisscross like a child. The man didn't look like a man anymore, he had vines covering him and not even a shred of skin could be seen on his body. He told her a story about a troubled boy whose family never understood him, despite his brilliance. Cassie simply sat and listened.

"Some do not understand, Cassandra," said the unnamed man, "that human civilization is a nuisance to nature. A weakness to the strength of all."

"Who are you?" asked Cassie, lowly. She tried to move, but felt glued to the ground. The deformed man tilted his head, then walked forward.

"I am the past, the presence and the future," he responded, his voice deep like a growl. He raised his hand slowly, Cassie being moved into a standing position with the movement. The two were face to face, his soulless eyes burning into her blue ones. "Part of you, belongs to me. You will see in time, you will see your purpose."

"What the hell are you even talking about? What is even happening?" she asked, standing straighter before the man. She raised her chin, the fearless look on her face unwavering. "Explain to me what it is that is happening to me. I won't deal with anymore of this bullshit."

"You will see in time," he repeated, his hand raised to her forehead. "It'll all be over soon."

Cassie eyes snapped open. She sat up quickly, her breath caught in her throat and she coughed for a moment. She reached up to her head, a pounding headache already forming. She felt something wet on her upper lip, reaching up to wipe away the blood that dripped down her nose. She threw her head back down on her backpack, letting out a huff.

"Oh, you're awake," said Dustin, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked down at his girlfriend. "I would have woken you up earlier, but you looked so tired."

Cassie gave the boy a weak nod, moving to sit back up. She went to turn her head, then immediately turned back to Dustin as she saw Steve standing in the far corner, apparently taking a piss. "Oh, god."

"Can you redirect your stream please?" yelled Robin only seconds later. Cassie let out a small laugh, ignoring the pain in her head.

"You dumb shits can look now."

Cassie grabbed onto Dustin's hand as he helped her up. She kept his hand intertwined in hers, finding much needed comfort in his touch. Dustin immediately pulled her into a hug, always being good at reading her. He didn't know what was wrong (he assumed it wasn't their current situation, as she would usually be enjoying the shit out of this), but he could tell she needed a hug.

"Thanks, Curls," she muttered into his shoulder as he pressed a reassuring kiss to the top of her head.

"Of course."

"Uh, we've got some company," yelled Robin, breaking the two younger teens out of their moment.

Steve peeked his head down, "Get up here. Bring that green thing too."

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