-3.0 fuck vecna to hell

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chapter thirty!

CASSIE WAS HONESTLY SO SICK OF LUCAS SCREAMING that she was just a few seconds away from quite literally pulling over and kicking him out of her car when they pulled into the parking lot of Hawkins High School. Cassie parked around back, just in case Jason happened to drive by, knowing her car was very recognizable. After parking, Cassie dragged Lucas all the way through the school, the boy struggling to keep up with the girl who ran for funzies.

Cassie had no idea of where they were even supposed to meet the others at school, considering that term is quite vague when considering there were hundreds of rooms in the building. Cassie ran through each hallway, not bothering to let go of Lucas as they ran, searching inside of classrooms and even closets that they passed.

The two ran around a corner, not planning to slow down until they are met with a screaming Steve Harrington with a... lamp? Lucas screeched, for what felt like the millionth time that night, while Cassie just fell backwards onto the floor from stopping so abruptly. Everyone with Steve screamed along with Lucas, making Cassie's head pound worse. For the first time ever, Cassie was the only quiet one.

"It's us!" cried Lucas, holding one hand up in surrender and pointing down at Cassie with the other. Everyone's eyes shifted to the girl on the floor, who gave a tight lipped smile and a wave from where she sat.

"Lucas? Cassie?"

"Jesus, what is wrong with you?!" screamed Steve, the lamp still in his hands. Cassie rolled her eyes, pulling herself off of the ground and wiping her off her jeans. "I could have taken you out with this lamp!"

Cassie could add that to the list of things she never thought she'd hear.

"Sorry, guys. Sorry," apologized Lucas as he attempted to catch his breath. Cassie got a good look at her friend, realizing that he had broken a sweat during their run, while she remained unfazed. She didn't know if that meant she was in shape, or it Lucas wasn't. "Cassie, she dragged me through the school. God... she's-she's fast. Gimme a second. Shit."

"It's true," said Cassie with a grin, "He's a slow bitch. But, uh, we got an issue."


"Dustin," muttered Lucas, moving forward towards his friend. His breathing was still uneasy and it sounded like he'd just ran a marathon. Cassie stayed to the side, being pulled into a hug by a teary faced Max, along with Nancy and Robin. "I've been with Jason, Patrick, Andy and Daniel and they've gone totally off the rails. They're trying to capture Eddie, and they think you know where he is. You're in terrible danger."

Cassie watched as the expression on Dustin's face didn't change. "All right, that definitely sucks, but we have bigger problems than Jason right now."

Cassie looked around at the group, who all wore solemn faces. She looked to Max, who wouldn't meet her eye. Cassie could feel in her gut that this was Upside Down related, and that something bad must have happened when she was gone.

"Guys, what's going on?"


"And the victims, the cursed, they all have nosebleeds, headaches, nightmares," explained Max. They'd driven to the Wheeler residence, where they all now sat in the basement. Despite Max riding with her, Cassie didn't obtain any information, or even a hello from the girl until they all arrived. The group had taken turns explaining everything to Cassie and Lucas. Apparently, they're calling the man that haunts her dreams Vecna, and he has been cursing traumatized teens and eventually killing them, and for what? Just a casual afternoon for the Mind Flayer? "They wake up in a cold sweat, and they start seeing really bad things."

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