The blonde made her way to Scoops, ignoring all the people in line at the counter as she walked straight into the back room. She was immediately met with a tight hug, making her let out a small yell in surprise.

Dustin pulled back, a not-so-apologetic look on his face as he grinned widely at her. Cassie raised her eyebrows, wondering what the reason for the excitement was. Dustin noticed her look and smiled sheepishly. "I was just excited to see you. I still can't believe I can call you my girlfriend."

Cassie grinned in return, her face flushing lightly. She had never met someone that cared so much for her. She cared for him too, and that scared her. Cassie would never admit it, but she knew in her heart that Dustin deserved so much better. She was scared of commitment and abandonment and she sucked at showing affection. Dustin deserved someone who could love him correctly, and she knew that. Instead of saying that, however, she simply reached out and poked his nose, "You're cute, Curls."

He grinned, pressing a kiss to her cheek happily before pulling her over to sit at the table. The group began discussing the plan for making it into the suspicious storage room, Cassie munching on a banana with her legs propped up on the table.

"That key-card opens the door. But unfortunately the Russian with the key-card also has a massive gun," said Dustin, making Cassie laugh. She envisioned herself beating the hell out of the dude and stealing his gun, then realizing that was stupid. Even so, she had the best chance of doing it out of any of them. Not only was she as athletic and strong as Steve, she also was small and stealthy and was way better at fighting than the older boy. 

"Whatever is in that room, whatever is in those boxes, they really don't want anybody to find out."

"There's gotta be a way in."

"Y'know, I could just take him out," said Steve, Cassie almost falling out of her seat from the hysteric laughing fit she was sent into with that simple statement. He couldn't stand a chance against Billy, what are his chances against a trained Russian soldier?

Robin scoffed unbelievably, "Take who out?"

"The Russian guard," answered Steve, and Cassie was blown away by how serious he was while saying it. Cassie fell over on Dustin's shoulder, holding onto the boy for support as she continued to laugh. Steve clenched his jaw at her laughter, closing his eyes in annoyance at her doubt. "What? I sneak up behind him, knock him out, take his key-card. Easy-peasy."

"Did you hear the part about the massive gun?"

"Yes I did, asshole, and that's why I would be sneak-ay." said Steve, walking his fingers across the table as a demonstration. Cassie began to feel tears in her eyes from the hysterical laughing fit. "Jesus, Cassie, shut up."

Dustin sat down at the table, crossing his arms in front of him sassily as he leaned forward, "Oh please, tell me this and be honest. Have you ever actually... won a fight?"

Steve raised his hands in defense as Cassie's laughter grew louder at her boyfriends statement, "Okay, that was one time!"

"Twice. Johnathan, year prior," reminded Dustin, a small smile on his face. Cassie wiped the tears from her eyes, leaning forward in interest. Her mouth was slightly agape as a grin grew on her face.

"Oh, my god. Jonathan? Really?" she let out a low whistle before beginning to laugh again. She knew the boys had fought for Nancy, but didn't realize that they actually physically fought. Her respect for Jonathan grew a little in that moment.

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