The mirror was cracked down the middle, but it was the reflection that had her heart racing. It was her, but with black veins travelling up her neck and onto her face. Her eyes appeared to be bleeding and her cheeks were littered with cuts. A searing pain went through her head in waves, the room beginning to spin. Cassie felt her eyes getting droopy as she felt to the ground.

"What the fuck?" she muttered, before losing consciousness completely.


Cassie didn't know where she was when she woke up. Her ears were ringing and the first thing she noticed was how cold the floor was. She felt the memories flood back to her; throwing up, the mirror, then falling to the ground. She slowly stood up, realizing she was still in the bathroom. She was unaware of how much time had passed. She grabbed ahold of the sink to pull herself up. The mirror was perfectly fine. No cracks and her face looked normal.

Cassie reached up to where the black veins were previously on her neck, the skin sore to the touch. Cassie frowned, rubbing at her neck for a second before washing her hands and leaving the bathroom.

She had barely made it out of the bathroom before running into teenagers who looked about her age. She recognized them from the high school and vaguely recalled the boy being friends with Frankie. Jack, that was his name, she believed. The two teens stared back at her, before wide grins broke out onto their faces.

"Oh, my gosh. Cassie Hargrove, right? You're Frankie's best friend that he never shuts up about!" squealed the girl, pulling Cassie into a hug. Cassie is taken aback by the movement and is still shaking from lightheadedness, but reluctantly hugged back nonetheless. The dark haired girl pulled away, covering her mouth with a flushed look on her face. "I'm sorry, I'm so rude! My name is Leah Baker, and this is my friend Jack."

Jack stuck out his hand politely, "Jack Tyler, nice to meet you. Frankie talks very highly of you, and, well, we've heard of you. You're insanely cool."

"I see my reputation precedes me," grinned the blonde, shaking the boy's hand. He had dark hair and dark eyes. He was kind of short, but he had defined facial features. His smile was kind. Cassie's eyes moved over to Leah. The girl was beautiful. She had warm, tan skin that favored the sweetest summer honey. She had big dark eyes and a warm smile. Her hair was long and a deep dark brown. Cassie had to admit, this girl was the closest thing to perfection she had ever seen. The girl seemed to grow flustered under Cassie's lingering glance. "Pleasure to meet you."

"What are you doing here alone?" asked Leah, giving the girl a look of slight concern. Cassie's eyes widened, remembering Steve and Dustin were probably wondering where she was.

"Oh, I'm actually not. Just had to use the restroom," she shrugged, pointed to the bathroom behind her. "My friends are in Scoops, if you'd like to walk with me?"

The two nodded happily, making small talk with Cassie throughout the walk. Cassie enjoyed the feeling of normalcy after whatever abnormal thing happened in the restroom. The pair were fun to talk to. They'd been friends with Frankie since elementary school, and had been through each of his strange phases; including the one time he apparently lied about liking Leah to cover up that he didn't like girls. Cassie laughed really hard at that one, reminding herself to tease Frankie about it.

Once they had reached Scoops Ahoy, Leah and Jack part ways with Cassie. Cassie's eyes widened yet again in surprise at the sight of her sister and... El? Cassie wasn't aware the two had begun hanging out, but was happy that her two girl friends were bonding. The two looked equally surprised to see her.

"Holy shit, there you are Cassie," grinned Max, pulling the blonde into hug. "El was looking for you earlier. Boy problems."

Cassie's mouth fell agape slightly. She had figured that El and Mike were borderline perfect, judging by the way that they always acted. She grabbed El's hand into her own and Max's in the other, pulling them both into Scoops Ahoy. Steve looked happy to see Cassie, knowing she would take his side while Robin and Dustin teamed up on him.

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