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"The baddest!" Douglas hailed on his way towards Denzel and James who were both sitting at the counter of their usual club.

He had just returned from China and it was time for a guys' night out since none of them had gotten any time to hang out much. Each was either busy or not in the country at the moment.

Douglas, one of the Morgan twins walked into the club with his twin brother, Ethan. While Denzel hardly spent time with them, while they were growing up, Douglas would rather spend his time in his father's study. He preferred the four walls of an empire.

The Morgan Empire that had been on for generations has continued to remain strong with the help of these four handsome bachelors; Denzel, James, Douglas and Ethan.

They weren't identical so it was easy to differentiate the swagger dripping twin from the business minded twin. Douglas falls in the latter.

James smirked and gave Doug a manly handshake. All four of them exchanged pleasantries since it had been a while they were together like this.

"Sup, man?" Ethan said to Denzel.

"Denzel, the saint. Do I call you the saint?" Douglas asked.

Denzel grinned. "You know I'm not a saint. No dey whine me abeg."
Denzel said and they all laughed.

"Oh, its so good to see you in person, Man." Ethan said to James. "Tired of causing all that chaos on social media? Because that's the only way I can know what's been happening in your life."
Ethan said and laughed.

James shook his head, grinning. "Its not your fault." He said.

Ethan laughed.

"Well, would you blame me? I'm too hot for anyone to resist. Don't be surprised, the female reporters want to have a go with me."
James said and winked with pride.

"Ooh!" They all chorused and laughed again.

"They just want you to get their fucking address."
Ethan said and chuckled, signalling the bartender.

"So, Ethan what's up with that chick?"

Ethan turned to him. "Which chick?"

James grinned. "The hot curvy ass one. What's her name again? Clara?"

Ethan corrected. "Stop eye-fucking my babe, abeg."
He said and shook his head.

"You guys still together?" Denzel asked.

Ethan smirked. "Who wants to miss the hell of a hot sex every night?"

James held his stomach in laughter and Denzel simply shook his head, rolling his eyes.
"Guy you are something else."
James said, and shook his head as well.

Denzel was just going to say something when the voice of a lady distracted him. All guys turned their heads to whistle at the sight before them. Janelle walked up to them, grinning and greeting the guys. It took more than Denzel's willpower to look away and pretend that the blue mini gown she wore which was practically clinging to all her curves, didn't bother him. He could tell, even James was shocked and affected.

Janelle wasn't the  model-like shaped lady every man wanted. She's a foodie so she had very obvious curves. She wasn't fat but anyone could see her ass like a statue of liberty.

She smiled at Denzel while she was making her  way to meet James, even as Ethan and Douglas had their eyes lighting up like Las Vegas.

"Hey, Dee." She said, with a slight wave.

Denzel smiled and nodded, turning to his drink before he loses it.

"Damn, I have never seen you this smoking hot before."
James said, looking her up and down and whistling.

AFTER THE ENGAGEMENTWhere stories live. Discover now