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Janelle scolded herself as she drove home that night. She couldn't believe she was angry.
At what exactly?
She had never been jealous of Denzel's numerous girlfriends before and Denzel has many.

Tara's presence came as a shock to her, she told herself. Tara don't even tell her she was back from Benin. And Denzel was dating her? She felt hurt but couldn't understand why.

"Ugh! He's your fiancée's cousin, not your boyfriend, Silly."
She told herself. And she acted like a love sick bitch.

Her cellphone rang and she rolled her eyes at the caller ID, then picked up.

"Hey, Tara. Done cooking?"

"Hey,babe. You just left like the speed of light. Where are you?"
She asked.

"On my way home. What's up?"

"Come over to out usual spot."

She sighed. "Okay. On my way."
She made a turn after hanging up.


Candace exclaimed and turned to Tara. "You cooked for him? Tara, you hate cooking."

"Exactly. Ask her why she cooked for him when she hates cooking."
Janelle said and Candace turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

"Umm...Janelle, are you upset about the fact that she didn't tell you when she came back or the fact that she cooked for him?"
Candace said. "I don't think its wrong that she cooked for him. It simply means she likes him. At least she doesn't threaten to burn his ears like she does to James."
Candace concluded and shrugged.

Janelle's jaw dropped. Candace wasn't helping.
"Well, the question should be; What was she doing there?"

"He's my neighbour, Janelle. Remember?"
Tara said.

"Duh. You live three blocks away from him, Tara."

"So? He's my neighbour from three blocks away."
Tara said and shrugged.

The look from Candace and Janelle made her give up. "Okay! I went  there to cook for him. He's a friend too. Besides, he's loaded, handsome and rich. I had to try my luck."

"Well, that won't be necessary. He's spoken for."
Janelle said and dug into her food. Both ladies looked at her and blinked. That was a lie but Janelle was going to make them believe it

"By whom?" Candace asked.

"Well, if its the news going on social media about his affair with that bony actress, it's a lie. She confirmed it herself during her last interview.

"Its not that one."
Janelle said. "Its Tope."

Both of them chorused.

Candace passed a glance at Tara and blinked. "You know, its wrong to give out wrong information, Janelle. I don't think Denzel would have anything to do with Tope."
Candace said and Janelle turned to her.

"Well, Denzel told me himself."

"Denzel told you?"
Tara asked. Janelle simply nodded.

Candace whistled and picked up her glass of wine for a sip. Janelle joined in the move.

"That slut, Tope!"
Tara said.

"And you know she confirmed it. I met her at the mall yesterday and she said it just to spite me. PffhHow ironic is that?"
Janelle knew she was bluntly lying and just for the record, she would never stand a minute with Tope.

"Very ironic. Are you sure, Janelle?"
Candace, the very observant lawyer, said.

"Yes." Janelle said and swallowed.

Tara shrugged. "Well, I won't let that discourage me. Tope doesn't even have half of what I have. I'm hotter than she is and I won't make it to the top if I wasn't. Besides, I have you to tell me his likes and dislikes. So, cheers!"
Tara said and raised her glass.

Candace laughed and raised hers too. "Yea, baby! That's the Tara  we all know!"
She hailed.

Janelle fixed a stiff smile and lifted hers. But deep down, she was melting.

Thank you for reading. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Hello, guys! I'm back again after so many months being away. But I came back with another twisted book titled HEIRS! Slid into my profile and you'll find it there waiting patiently for your arrival😊. Here's a sneak peak of what you will be meeting so you get knocked off your feet unexpectedly 😉. . .

"You giving her gbas gbos like that over Dayo. That was harsh, Grace. You just crushed her hopes with that guy."

"Good then. I wish I could smash her hopes with my hands instead and spit on them. I can't stand her puppy crush. Can't she find another guy?"

"You have Gabby. And half the school knows that. His mother is happy about that. What more do you want Dayo for."

"It is none of your business, Celia!" She snapped and walked to the window to watch Dunni's car leave the Mansion. "Dayo is available. Gabby is . . . Sometimes, he acts like I'm not important to him. I'm used to people worshipping me, Celia. And when he gives me the cold shoulder, I have Dayo to run to. He is just a shock absorber, if you know what I mean. That is why, I keep what is mine until it is of no use to me. And that is why I hate Julia."

Celia rolled her eyes. "Julia. Really? It's a wonder why you hate her, since she literally just wants to tear Gabby apart whenever she sees him."

Grace turned to Celia. "I am seventeen years old, Celia, not stupid. And I already know what it means when someone hates someone else that bad. I know how it ends. And I don't want that. I want him to hate her twice as much I do."

I'll see you at HEIRS!😘😘

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