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            She blew off  a frustrated sigh as she stepped out of her car the next morning, ignoring the greeting the maids gave to her on her way into the house.

Why was it so hard to focus on her fiancée? Janelle tried to forget about what happened last night. Anyone would think that she had gotten a good night's sleep but it all had to do with a tall, light skinned handsome guy with a tattoo on his left arm and left chest, invading her thought all through the night.

She paused at the bottom of the stairs and sighed, trying to get her mind at ease. It didn't help that he had to be the one to wake her up this morning with a tray of breakfast. That didn't help at all, because she had suddenly started getting the thought that perhaps, he could be this sweet to Tara.

Stop being a bitch. She's your friend for crying out loud! She told herself.

"I can't believe this."
She muttered to herself and walked up the stairs.

James had called her this morning. And that thought wasn't encouraging. He sounded like he wanted to fulfill all righteousness and act the best fiancé.

She had lashed out on him as well for not calling for a week. Their wedding was fast approaching and he left her all the way to China without a phone call on his welfare or whereabouts.

Janelle keeps thinking that maybe she had gotten the whole sweet romance thing wrong. Aren't engaged  couple supposed to be closer than ever few weeks to their wedding?

But hers with James seemed like they were having a business deal. It was exhausting and frustrating as hell!

"Janelle? Cherry?"
Nana's voice came out from one of the rooms on Janelle's way to her own bedroom.

The last thing I need right now, is a pester. She thought and began to remind herself of the reason why Nana's room was closer to hers.

Right. Because I got scared of lighten a lot as a child.

She still does. And most times, when she spends days of a week at the Morgans when she was little, she would run off to Denzel's room whenever a lightening struck.
It was terrifying. And James, being a big time bully when they were little, would tease her with it, with a horror movie he watched with Denzel when she wasn't around.

Nana looked as worried as she always does. Sometimes, Jenelle gets confused who the mother is here. Her parents aren't even in the country and her wedding is fast approaching.

Janelle chuckled at how ironic that sounds.

"Cherry, where were you? I was worried. You were in your room last night and all of a sudden this morning..."

"I went out last night, Nana. I'm fine."
She said, bored.

Nana sighed. "Oh. Thanks God. I thought something had happened to you. Where did you go?"

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