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"Hello. Denzel speaking."
The bold and authoritative voice of Denzel came in through the receiver, bringing Janelle to a jolt.

"Hey, Dee. What's up?" She nervously shifted on her seat and looked at Candace who sat beside her at the exclusive restaurant.

There was a brief silence and Janelle was holding her breath like she was waiting for another shoe to drop.

"Jay? What's up? What happened to your phone? Did you change you number?"

"No. This is Candy's."

"Oh, okay. So, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good. How are you?"

He was silent. And he does that whenever he's trying to figure out something about her attitude.

Janelle held her breath again, hoping he won't notice how nervous she was.

"Is this about last night?"

Great. There goes my shabby pretense. She thought with a sigh.
"Yes, it is. I'm so sorry I acted like that. You know I won't have, if I was sober."

He chuckled. "Its okay. You were drunk. And you weren't in your right state of mind, so I understand. How are you doing?"

"I'm cool. Hanging out with Candy. But she will be off soon. Her lunch break will he over soon. So, I'm here. All alone. Tara has a photo shoot tonight, so she won't be free."

There was another silence. Okay, Denzel wasn't the talking type.

"But if you have something doing, then its fine. I'll juts hang out with James."

Candace's head shot up to look at her. Weird. The lady was very reserved and never let's her life come out open. Janelle feels open with Tara than Candace. But she had agreed to keep her company she just had to agree with her.

"James is already on his way to China. Didn't he tell you he was leaving? The company is opening a new company in China."

He didn't. She thought. James only told her that he was travelling to China. He didn't say when.

She let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, he did! I forgot. Sorry, the alcohol is still getting to me." She said.

Again, he was silent. "Okay, just wait for me and I'll he there in thirty minutes."

Her eyes lit up. "Okay. I'm at the same restaurant I usually hang out with the girls."

"Sure. See you there."

She smiled and hung up with a cheerful smile at Candace. "He's coming."

Candace laughed. "You know, I'm still confused. I don't know of it's James or Denzel. You really have him wrapped around you fingers."

Janelle grinned. "Jealous?"

Candace laughed. "Yeah, right." She rolled her eyes. "So, what's this about James? You suddenly got too sad."

"James travelled to China. He didn't tell me about it. Well, he did but not that he's going so soon."
Janelle said, and sighed.

Candace frowned and whispered something. Then she looked up and smiled at Janelle.

"Well, sorry about that. But this girl here has to go back to work. My lunch break is over. And I don't want to be a third wheel."
Candace said and winked.

Janelle laughed while her friend picked up her handbag and was heading to the exit.
"In your dreams, slut!"
She called after her.

"Later, bitch!"
Candace teased back.


Denzel opened the door and stepped aside for her to come in.
Not that he was expecting her but when she sounded like she was crying on the phone and mentioned James, he knew that something was wrong.

He had made a mental note to stay away from her and cut their relationship to a limit but the lady kept coming and he still had a problem saying no to her.

The last time they had spoken on the phone and he had lied about knowing of James trip, he felt like hitting some senses into the young man for treating his fiancée like the handkerchief he usually has in his pocket.

Even though she had lied, he was no fool. James had messed up big time and there was no doubt that he had done it again.

She made straight for the sofa, folded her legs beneath her thighs and flung her purse aside, folding her arms and sulking like a child. He smiled at that. He admired her childish behaviour all the time.

But James hates it.

Janelle had no idea she could stop time when she passes by.
He cleared his throat.

"What happened?"
He asked.

"James hasn't called me in four days now. He said he would call but not even a flash appeared in my phone. I don't even know if he's okay or not and I've been trying to reach him, but he's not picking up."

"Oh, maybe he's busy."
He said, scratching the back of his head.

Janelle looked at him like he had just fallen from the moon. "Too busy to pick my calls? Or even call back. Haba! That's too much nao. Its not fair!"

"I'm sure he will call back. Calm down."
He said.

She opened her mouth to say something but her eyes grew wide when she saw something behind him.

Denzel turned and found Tara standing in front of the kitchen in an apron. She smiled up at them.

"Hey, Tara. I heard your voice from the kitchen. How are you?"
She said.

Jenelle slowly stood up. He knew that shocked look on her face and it simply said 'since when' . Denzel stepped backwards and she smiled up at him.

"A fake smile."
He thought.

"Hello, Tara. When did you come back. Did you even travel?"
Janelle said.

Tara scoffed. "Of course. Came back last night. I came to see Denzel."

The question was directed at Denzel. "That's great."

Tara smiled. "Well, I'll be in the kitchen."
Tara walked back into the kitchen.

Janelle quickly picked up her purse and was heading for the door when Denzel's hands on her waist pulled her back.

"Hey, what's wrong? You're upset."

"I'm not upset. Just don't want to spoil your entertainment."

"Stop sounding like that. Tara isn't staying. She'll be gone before you notice."

"Leave me alone, Denzel. I didn't even know you're dating her."

"What? I'm not."
He said immediately.

"And she's cooking for you? Denzel, I've got to go. Call me back."
She left immediately.

He sighed and raked his fingers through his hair. She said she wasn't upset but she'd just called him Denzel. And she only didn't that when she was upset.

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AFTER THE ENGAGEMENTOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora