Part Five: OML -- Out of Control

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June 29, 2017

"It's all just the same as it's been, Tal. Two weeks. Nothing has changed." Chester ran his hand over the top of his shaved head and then rubbed his eyes. His glasses were on the counter in the bathroom where he'd left them before he decided to go ahead and call his wife. He could hear Mike's shower running in the other room.

"So you still haven't told him?" Chester could hear the sound of the television in the background as Talinda sat on their couch at home. He could clearly picture her, her legs tucked up underneath a blanket, both dogs next to her, maybe a glass of red wine on the table beside her. He licked his lips as he thought about the merlot she preferred. His mind went straight from her drinking a glass of wine to the last time he'd seen Mike with one, at some post-award show party years ago, his lips stained with the dark red liquid. He'd looked so sexy.

Chester sat down on the edge of the bathtub, forcing the image from his mind. This is getting out of control. "How do I tell him without freaking him out? You should have seen him when he first found the porn. You were cooler with it than he was. You jumped right on board with trying shit out." Chester's frown pulled in to a soft grin as he remembered Talinda's discovery of his tastes and the ways they had experimented with some things he'd never even thought he'd be able to get her to try. "You're pretty fuckin' awesome, you know that?"

There was a soft snort on the other end of the line. "Chester, I was a Playboy model. If you only knew some of the things I've seen..."

"You mean there's still stuff you haven't told me?" Chester responded with amusement in his voice. "I know what we're talking about when I get home." He felt his dick twitch slightly as the thought of what his wife may or may not have seen in her Playboy days crossed his mind. "I bet you've seen some hot stuff."

"Depends on what you like, I guess." Talinda paused, and Chester knew she was twirling a lock of hair between her fingers as she thought things over. "Does he know about us and Ryan?" she asked quietly.

It had been a long time since either of them had mentioned those trysts that had been more Chester's fantasies than her own, a safe place to indulge and experiment. She'd been willing to let Chester explore his bi-sexuality on the condition that she was always present, too, and even though she thought it would be weird, it had never gone beyond her being with Chester, and Ryan being with Chester. They'd had some wild times, and she had always thought that Ryan wanted more, but when he got serious with his girlfriend, and they'd had Tyler, it had all quietly drifted into the past, into a place she didn't visit very often.

"I'm not telling him that," Chester objected instantly. "I mean, he knows I've been with a guy, I might have mentioned it in passing... but there's no way I'm telling him it was Ryan." The memories of times Ryan and Mike had been in the same place at the same time assaulted him. Mike had always been a little jealous of Ryan, especially when he'd been off with Dead By Sunrise, and he wasn't about to add any fuel to that fire. "Besides, that was like, just a handful of times, and it's been years since we did anything like that. I don't want to get into that with Mike."

"You don't think he'd understand, do you?" Talinda asked.

"Based off his reaction to the porn?" Chester let out a snort of both amusement and derision. "No. He'd never understand that. I mean, we were young and crazy. Come on, Tal, you wouldn't do that now. It was just fun, you know?"

"If you're asking if I'd do it with Mike-"

"I'm not," Chester said hastily, not wanting to hear if she was going to say yes or no. He couldn't even imagine Mike's reaction if he suggested a threesome with his wife. "Like I said, those days are long gone. Besides, I don't think you'd ever be able to look Anna in the eyes again."

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